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Taint-based program analysis framework for empirical performance modeling.


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LLVM-based taint analysis framework for HPC performance modeling.

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Perf-taint implements taint-based analysis of the program's performance to find the performance-relevant parameters and discover functions that impact the program's performance. Perf-taint generates a structured JSON file describing relevant functions. We use that to enhance Extra-P empirical performance modeling tool with our new performance analysis and construct hybrid, white-box performance models.

The tool consists of two parts: an LLVM compiler pass and a runtime library. The compiler pass performs static analysis to determine which functions are definitely not performance-relevant and instruments the code with taint propagation. The resulting application is linked with our runtime library that aggregates tainted data and constructs a JSON performance profile. The profile is passed to Extra-P to use the program information in the modeling process. Our tool supports parallel MPI programs, and OpenMP support is planned for the next release. The documentation describes in detail the design and implementation of our tool and provides a step-by-step explanation of our compilation and modeling pipeline.

perf-taint can be used with our Docker image spcleth/perf-taint:latest, or the tool can be installed locally.

When using perf-taint, please cite our PPoPP'21 paper. A preprint of our paper is available on arXiv, and you can find more details about research work in this paper summary.

  author = {Copik, Marcin and Calotoiu, Alexandru and Grosser, Tobias and Wicki, Nicolas and Wolf, Felix and Hoefler, Torsten},
  title = {Extracting Clean Performance Models from Tainted Programs},
  year = {2021},
  isbn = {9781450382946},
  publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1145/3437801.3441613},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming},
  pages = {403–417},
  numpages = {15},
  keywords = {taint analysis, high-performance computing, LLVM, performance modeling, compiler techniques},
  location = {Virtual Event, Republic of Korea},
  series = {PPoPP '21}


  • LLVM 9.0 or higher.
  • Alternatively, use our LLVM fork to enable control-flow tainting.
  • libc++ 9.0 or higher, built with dfsan tainting - see instructions.

We provide a Docker image spcleth/perf-taint:base-dfsan-9.0 (data-flow tainting) and spcleth/perf-taint:base-cfsan-9.0 (control-flow and data-flow taintint) with LLVM and libcxx installed. In addition to LLVM and Clang, the images contain additional build tools such as CMake and ninja.


To build, pass clang as the default compiler, and provide paths to installation of LLVM and tainted installation of libc++.


Building in Docker environment

To avoid the long and complex process of setting up LLVM and libcxx, you can build the tool within the Docker environment:

docker run -it -v $(pwd)/perf-taint/:/code-v $(pwd)/build_perf_taint/:/build spcleth/perf-taint:base-cfsan-9.0 /bin/bash -c "cd /build && cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ -DLLVM_DIR=/opt/llvm/ -DLIBCXX_PATH=/opt/llvm /code && cmake --build /build -- -j4"

The created build directory can be mounted in the Docker container again to process source code for instrumentation.

CMake Options

The following options are supported when building the toolchain:

LLVM_DIR Path to the LLVM installation (no search in default paths is conducted).
LIBCXX_PATH Path to the libc++ installation built with LLVM's DataFlowSanitizer.
LLVM_WITH_CFSAN Use the control-flow tainting provided by LLVM fork (default OFF)
WITH_MPI Build runtime with support for MPI programs (default ON)
JSONCPP_PATH Path to a installation of jsoncpp library. When not provided, the library is downloaded and configured during build.
WITH_UNIT_TESTS Enable unit tests (default ON)
WITH_REGRESSION_TESTS Enable regression tests (default ON)
OMP_PATH Path to a tainted installation of OpenMP library and enables support for OpenMP programs (experimental)

Verify the build by running llvm-lit tests/unit in build directory.


Our pipeline requires a minor code modification to allow registration and tainting program parameters. For each program variable which should be treated as a potentially performance-relevant parameter, users should add the EXTRAP annotation and a call to the register_variable function.

int size EXTRAP = atoi(argv[1]);
register_variable(&size, "size");

Then, the source code should be compiled into the LLVM IR bitcode. We provide wrappers /build-dir/bin/clang and /build-dir/bin/clang++ that are configured to use the selected LLVM installation. They behave like regular C/C++ compiler, except that our wrappers generate bitcodes from the compilation of translation units. It works well when applied to C/C++ projects implemented with Makefiles or CMake. The IR generation happens while compiling to object code, so the build process is not interrupted.

The helper script bin/perf-taint provides an integrated tool that accepts IR files runs our instrumentation together with dfsan, and builds an executable. In addition, the tool includes a handy wrapper that fills all necessary passes and implements the entire compilation pipeline:

/build-dir/bin/perf-taint -t ${output_name} ${input_llvm_ir}

The documentation provides a step-by-step explanation of our compilation and modeling pipeline, and covers two HPC benchmarks: LULESH and MILC's su3_rmd.


While perf-taint supports a wide set of C++, HPC, and MPI applications, it does have few limitations:

  • OpenMP support is experimental and might not work as expected.
  • Multithreaded applications are not supported at the moment. MPI applications with a single thread per process are fine.
  • Recursive functions are not supported and they're not detected as a part of computational complexity (#16).
  • Taint labels can be propagated in MPI messages, but this not supported at the moment - so far we have not found this limitation to be problematic.
  • When discovering the taint dependency in MPI calls, we support only trivial MPI datatypes. Derived datatypes are not supported.
  • When linking LLVM bitcode with llvm-link, copies of the same function, e.g., static functions present in header files, might not be resolved. Thus, the same function might be seen by our instrumentation as "f", "f.2", "f.3", etc. To merge such functions, use the pass option: -perf-taint-remove-duplicates. The implementation uses LLVM's MergeFunctions pass which might have the side effect of merging different functions presenting the same behavior. To avoid this problem, we offer the experimental and custom duplicate removal enabled with -perf-taint-remove-duplicates-experimental. WARNING: this option is experimental! It checks that the functions share the same name suffix and they're located in the same debug location. However, using different preprocessing definitions might generate different codes for the same function in the same location - we don't verify that at the moment.



We implement tests as C++ programs with compilation instructions inserted in the header. The tests are executed with the help of llvm-lit, and their execution can be easily parallelized with -j$PROC. Tests are split into regression tests, which might use multiple cores and few minutes to execute, and simple unit tests that are sequential and small.

For details on the compilation instructions, please inspect the definitions in our lit configuration file.
