iiopt is a npm package that reduces the sizes of images by compressing them using pngquant and mozjpeg. The compression levels in these tools are fixed to 85.
Iiopt requires Node 8 or later.
iiopt needs imagemagick. In MacOSX, you can install them by using HomeBrew.
brew install imagemagick
Then, install @speee/iiopt using npm:
$ npm install @speee/iiopt
$ iiopt --help
(iikanji ni)nice image optimizer
$ iiopt <file>
$ iiopt <file> --out-dir <output>
$ iiopt --install-git-hooks
--install-git-hooks, install script that hooks git pre-commit to compress image automatically
--overwrite, -o overwrite images
--apply-new-files, compress images before git commit.
--detect-new-raw-images-from, detecting new raw images in a current working branch.
$ iiopt images/sample.jpg --out-dir ./compressed # compressed images, and the results are stored into ./compressed directory
$ iiopt foo.png -o # overwrite foo.png with compressed image
iiopt --install-git-hooks
command embed the following script into the git pre-commit hook.
#!/bin/sh -e
npx iiopt --apply-new-files
iiopt --apply-new-files
is a command that compress png and jpg images stored in the git staging area.
Currently, also compressed images were recompressed when these were staged.
If you want to commit already compressed images, use git commit --no-verify
to skip the git pre-commit hook.
iiopt also has a feature that detects unoptimized images in a current working branch. The feature is run by the following command.
iiopt --detect-new-raw-images-from=${branch}
For ${branch}
, you enter the name of the branch to which you want to merge.(ex master, development)
Sample images in this repository are copied from below sites. They are royalty-free.
This repository is under the MIT License.