This is how i manage spinning up multi-node infra projects for testing.
Some people at chef conf were interested in how I test infrastructures.thats what this is.
This is meant to bea set of thor tasks, spice files and vagrant file to bootstrap an arbitrary "infrastructure"
I use this to help developers get setup with openstack clusters, and on our CI environment to setup a functional testing invironment.
You have to have vagrant 1.1+ installed (omni vagrant) This is inteneded to work with that The gem file should get it
from the project root:
bundle install
drop these files into your chef project repo. If you are using Berkshelf it will work as-is. If you are not then you will have to edit spice/default.yml to include the cooks you want.
bundle exec thor llist
bundle exec thor infra
edit the spice/cluster files to your liking or add your own
bundle exec thor infra -c spice/cluster_2node.yml