- Confirm current calc schema in ../schema
- Confirm list of valid Calc versions in ../cee/master/calc-versions.txt
npm install
npm install -g pkg
- ./package.sh
- Executables will be created in ./target
cee-cli setup
You will be prompted for CEE server URL and API Key
cee-cli <command> [opts..]
Run cee-cli -h for help with a specific command.
-h, --help
Show help [boolean]
cee-cli validate [json..]
Validate jobs or analysis. Validates each file against JSON schema. If job option is specified, validation will be done against the job schema. Otherwise validation will be done against the analysis schema. Return code is 0 if all files validated successfully and 1 otherwise.
-h, --help
Show help [boolean]-v, --verbose
Increase verbosity (can be used more than once) [count]-q, --quiet
Don't output anything [boolean]-j, --job
Validate job instead of analysis [boolean]
cee-cli analyze [json..]
Send analysis or job in each file to CEE, then optionally poll CEE until analysis is complete and retrieve results. If polling is enabled analysis results will be written to a directory specified by the output parameter.
-h, --help
Show help [boolean]-f, --config
Config file [default: "$HOME/.config/cee.json" (unix), "%APPDATA%/cee.json" (windows)]-p, --poll
Poll CEE and write analysis results when complete [boolean]-b, --callback
Callback URL with results [default: "http://localhost:8080"]-a, --array
Expect input files to contain an array of jobs or analyses instead of a single job or analysis [boolean]-o, --output
Analysis Result output [default: "results"]-j, --job
Expect json files to be jobs instead of analysis (Passed callback and calcVersion will be ignored) [boolean]-v, --engineVersion
Version of calc to analyze against [default: "7.0.1"]-d, --clientData
File containing client data (expect json args to be a structure only; requires one of analysisCase, loadCaseName, or strengthCaseName)-c, --analysisCase
File containing analysis case (requires clientData; conflicts with loadCaseName and strengthCaseName)-l, --loadCaseName
Used named load case from clientData. (requires clientData; conflicts with analysisCase and strengthCaseName)-s, --strengthCaseName
Used named load case from clientData. (requires clientData; conflicts with analysisCase and loadCaseName)
cee-cli analyze -p pole1.json pole2.json
cee-cli setup
Setup CEE connection information
-h, --help
Show help [boolean]-n, --new
Force new config file [boolean]-f, --config
Config file [default: "$HOME/.config/cee.json" (unix), "%APPDATA%/cee.json" (windows)]-k, --keep
Don't overwrite an existing file
cee-cli status [jobId..]
Display status for jobs
-h, --help
Show help [boolean]-f, --config
Config file [default: "$HOME/.config/cee.json" (unix), "%APPDATA%/cee.json" (windows)]
cee-cli get [jobId.. | --offset n]
Get jobs, unless stdout is specified. Jobs will be written to files in the directory specified by the output parameter. Jobs can be specified by id or using --offset and --limit to get the last x (--limit) jobs starting at job y (--offset).
-h, --help
Show help [boolean]--id
Force filename to be job id, (otherwise attempt to use external id)-f, --config
Config file [default: "$HOME/.config/cee.json" (unix), "%APPDATA%/cee.json" (windows)]-c, --stdout
Don't write to files, instead write as JSON Array to standard out [boolean]-o, --output
Directory to write jobs to (ignored if stdout is specified [default: "results"]-s, --strip
Prepare job for sending to CEE again strip out everything but analysis [boolean]--limit
Get this many jobs (don't use with jobIds) [default: 50]--offset
Get jobs starting at this offset
The examples directory in the repo contains example client data, analysis cases, and structures. Setup CEE config using cee-cli setup
Send analysis to CEE and long-poll for results, writing analysis results to "completed" directory when done. Analyze against Calc version 7.0.0.
cee-cli analyze -p -v 7.0.0 -d examples/demoClientData.json -c examples/go95Light.json -o completed examples/structures/Revised/Busy_Pole.json examples/structures/Revised/Basic_Tangent_Assembly.json examples/structures/Revised/Basic_Tangent_Assembly_w_Comms.json
Same as above but use load case CSA Medium B included in demoClientData.json
cee-cli analyze -p -v 7.0.0 -d examples/demoClientData.json -l 'CSA Medium B' -o completed examples/structures/Revised/Busy_Pole.json examples/structures/Revised/Basic_Tangent_Assembly.json examples/structures/Revised/Basic_Tangent_Assembly_w_Comms.json
Same as above but use strength case CSA included in demoClientData.json. Note: Do not send send jobs to CEE with a strength case but no damages.
cee-cli analyze -p -v 7.0.0 -d examples/demoClientData.json -s CSA -o completed examples/structures/Revised/Busy_Pole.json
Send analysis to CEE, don't wait for analysis to complete (jobIds will be given on stdout as json)
cee-cli analyze -d examples/oneOfEverythingClientData.json -l NESC examples/structures/oneOfEverything1.json examples/structures/oneOfEverything2.json
Get my last 20 jobs save to "archive" directory
cee-cli get --limit 20 --offset 0 -o archive
Install the project
cd cee-cli
npm install
Install the license-checker tool:
npm install -g license-checker
Generate the license report:
license-checker --csv --out cee-cli_js_license_report.csv
cat cee-cli_js_license_report.csv