Technical Changes:
- Added a new parameter to /stage settings that allows players to get and change stage bounds
- All Squid Bumpers can now be popped regardless of Ink Color
- Waterlogged blocks no longer clear ink from solid sides, meaning that you can now use them to more precisely prevent blocks from being inked
- Ink Explosion damage is now centered on the block they originate from rather than on the corner, allowing sub weapons to more consistently deal damage
- Added Entity Tag for Sub Weapon entities
- Sub Weapons now fizzle out when they come in contact with water
- Added back Herobrine
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue that caused Chargers and Blasters to kick players out of servers
- Fixed an issue that caused /replacecolor to fail when a Colored Stage Barrier is present within the affected area
- Fixed an issue that allowed Sloshers to auto-fire, ignoring startup ticks
- Fixed several localization errors
- Fixed popped Squid Bumpers still colliding with other entities, mainly Minecarts and Curling Bombs
- Fixed Ink Stained Blocks still being inkable when inkableGround is disabled
- /stage warp now properly places you in the center of the Spawn Pad