Refactor (BREAKING)
BREAKING: Move egui progress window into irox_egui_extras, isolating the dep to a single module.
Commit Statistics
15 commits contributed to the release.
1 commit was understood as conventional .
0 issues like '(#ID)' were seen in commit messages
Commit Details
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Release irox-progress v0.6.0, safety bump 2 crates (d27f82c )
BREAKING: Move egui progress window into irox_egui_extras, isolating the dep to a single module. (8222675 )
Adjusting changelogs prior to release of irox v0.8.4 (36577f9 )
Adjusting changelogs prior to release of irox-threading v0.2.6, irox-winlocation-api v0.5.3, irox v0.8.4 (73f7a77 )
Release irox-nmea0183 v0.5.5 (7a446e7 )
Release irox-networking v0.4.7 (c7ae7ab )
Release irox-egui-extras v0.6.2 (b0f78c2 )
Release irox-stats v0.3.5 (16b35a4 )
Release irox-imagery v0.1.3 (4c12afd )
Release irox-types v0.5.2 (86f2594 )
Release irox-carto v0.6.5 (f4804a6 )
Release irox-time v0.4.9 (479095c )
Release irox-units v0.4.7 (3804364 )
Release irox-tools v0.10.3 (f6c9070 )
Release irox-bits v0.4.2 (da45a93 )
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