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Version: 0.3.0 Type: application AppVersion: 14.4.1

A Helm chart for Spotfire Web Player.



Kubernetes: >=1.24.0-0

Repository Name Version
file://../spotfire-common spotfire-common 0.3.0


This chart deploys the Spotfire® Web Player service on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.

The Spotfire Web Player pod includes:

  • A Fluent Bit sidecar container for log forwarding.
  • Service annotations for Prometheus scrapers. The Prometheus server discovers the service endpoint using these specifications and scrapes metrics from the exporter.
  • Predefined configuration for horizontal pod autoscaling with KEDA and Prometheus.

This chart is tested to work with Elasticsearch, Prometheus and KEDA.


  • A deployed Spotfire Server release using the Spotfire Server chart.
  • A Spotfire distribution file (Spotfire.Dxp.sdn) with client packages deployed to a deployment area (so that the required licenses are in place for the service to start).



  1. Export the SPOTFIRE_SERVER value to connect to the spotfire-server service:
    export SPOTFIRE_SERVER=$(kubectl get services, --output=jsonpath={})
  2. Forward the logs to the log-forwarder service:
    export LOG_FORWARDER=$(kubectl get services, --output=jsonpath={})
  3. Install this chart with the release name my-release and custom values from my-values.yaml:
    helm install my-release . \
        --set acceptEUA=true \
        --set global.spotfire.image.registry="" \
        --set global.spotfire.image.pullPolicy="Always" \
        --set nodemanagerConfig.serverBackendAddress="$SPOTFIRE_SERVER" \
        --set logging.logForwarderAddress="$LOG_FORWARDER" \
        -f my-values.yaml

Note: This Spotfire Helm chart requires setting the parameter acceptEUA or the parameter global.spotfire.acceptEUA to the value true. By doing so, you agree that your use of the Spotfire software running in the managed containers will be governed by the terms of the Cloud Software Group, Inc. End User Agreement.

Note: You must provide your private registry address where the Spotfire container images are stored.

See helm install for command documentation.


You can override the default configuration settings by providing a custom configuration file.

The following example configuration keys are available in the chart:

  • config."Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Core.config"
  • config."Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.config"
  • config."Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.dll.config"
  • config."log4net.config"

Note: If a configuration file key is non-empty, it overrides the default service configuration file built in the container image.

See Service configuration files and Service logs configuration.

Example: Use my-Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.config instead of the default Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.config:

helm install my-release . \
    --set acceptEUA=true \
    --set nodemanagerConfig.serverBackendAddress="$SPOTFIRE_SERVER" \
    --set logging.logForwarderAddress="$LOG_FORWARDER" \
    --set-file config.'Spotfire\.Dxp\.Worker\.Web\.config'=my-Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.config

Note: The keys are quoted because they contain periods. When you set them from the command line, you must escape the periods with a ''.

Getting the container default configuration files

You can copy the default configuration files from the container image to use them as templates for your custom configuration.

Note: The configuration files content can be version dependent.

Example: Use the following command to get a copy of the original configuration file Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.config. You can replace the filename to get a copy any of the other container configuration files.

docker run --rm spotfire/spotfire-webplayer:<imagetag> cat /opt/spotfire/nodemanager/nm/services/WEB_PLAYER/Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.config > Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.config

Adding a credentials profile for connectors to services as a file

A credentials profile is a method for storing data source credentials to log in automatically when you use data connections in web clients, Automation Services, and scheduled updates.

  1. Get a copy of the service configuration Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.dll.config. (See how in the previous example.
  2. Update the connector's authentication mode to WebConfig.
  3. Create a credentials profile in the following format, renaming the file with credentials_profile_name without extension.
    <entry profile="credentials_profile_name">
          <entry server-regex="database\.example\.com" />
          <entry connector-id="Spotfire.GoogleAnalyticsAdapter" />
  4. Using extraVolumeMounts, mount the file to the location /secrets/credentials (overriding using the service configuration).
  5. See the configuration section to upgrade the deployment.

For more information, see Credentials profiles for connectors

Custom modules

The image uses the modules that are built into the image and does not download images from or use a Spotfire deployment area. To use your own custom deployment files (or modules) you can use the argument volumes.customModules to set a Volume that will be used for loading extra custom modules. See helm/examples/webplayer-custom-modules/ in the Spotfire Cloud Deployment Kit repository for an example of how to use this feature.

Adding additional ODBC drivers for Spotfire Connectors

If you want to use certain Spotfire connectors that are not available in the default image, you will need to install the required ODBC driver for the connector in the image. Please refer to the file for the spotfire-webplayer container image for detailed instructions on how to extend the image and add additional ODBC drivers.

Once you have extended the image and included the necessary ODBC drivers, you must push the modified image to a registry that can be accessed by the Kubernetes cluster. Finally, update the spotfire.image.* values in your configuration to point to the new image.


To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment:

helm uninstall my-release

See helm uninstall for command documentation.


For scaling the my-release deployment, do a helm upgrade, providing the target number of pod instances in the replicaCount variable.

helm upgrade --install my-release . --reuse-values --set replicaCount=3

Autoscaling with KEDA

To use KEDA for autoscaling, first install it in the Kubernetes cluster. You must also install a Prometheus instance that scrapes metrics from the Spotfire pods.

Example: A values.yml snippet configuration for enabling autoscaling with KEDA:

  enabled: true
    prometheusServerAddress: http://prometheus-server.monitor.svc.cluster.local
  threshold: 4
  minReplicas: 1
  maxReplicas: 3

The spotfire-webplayer has the following autoscaling defaults:

  • metric name: spotfire_Spotfire_Webplayer_Web_Player_health_status (Health status Web Player service performance counter).
  • query: the sum of spotfire_Spotfire_Webplayer_Web_Player_health_status counters of the Web Player instances for the release name.

For any Web Player instance, Health status can present one of the following values:

  • 0: OK. Indicates that the instance is under no pressure.
  • 5: Strained. Indicates that the instance is under pressure but is not a problem.
  • 8: Exhausted. Indicates that the instance is under a higher load, so avoid routing new users to this instance, but current users can keep working in this instance.

Health status is a composite metric consisting of a few things. For most common scenarios, it is mainly affected by CPU and memory consumption.

With these default settings (threshold 4), if one Web Player instance is strained or exhausted, then another instance is started to scale out the service. If most of them are OK, then the service scales in.

For more information, see Web Player service performance counters.

Note: You can tune nodemanagerConfig.preStopDrainingTimeoutSeconds to allow time for draining sessions when scaling in.

To mitigate toggling scenarios, you can control the KEDA scale down policy. For example, to scale down only one pod per hour:

          - type: Pods
            value: 1
            periodSeconds: 3600

For more advanced scenarios, see kedaAutoscaling.advanced and kedaAutoscaling.fallback.

Additionally, you can define your own custom scaling triggers. Helm template functionality is available:

  # {list of triggers to activate scaling of the target resource}

Note: For more details on the autoscaling defaults, see the keda-autoscaling.yaml template.


See helm upgrade for command documentation.

Note: When you upgrade to a newer Spotfire Server version and newer Spotfire services versions, upgrade the Spotfire Server first, and then upgrade the Spotfire services.

Upgrading helm chart version

Some parameters might have been changed, moved or renamed and must be taken into consideration when upgrading the release. See release notes for more information.


Key Type Default Description
global.spotfire.acceptEUA bool nil Accept the Cloud Software Group, Inc. End User Agreement by setting the value to true.
global.spotfire.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" The global container image pull policy.
global.spotfire.image.pullSecrets list [] The global container image pull secrets.
global.spotfire.image.registry string nil The global container image registry. Used for spotfire/ container images, unless it is overridden.
acceptEUA bool nil Accept the Cloud Software Group, Inc. End User Agreement by setting the value to true.
affinity object {}
config."Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Core.config" string "" A custom Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Core.config.
config."Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.dll.config" string "" A custom Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.dll.config. See Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.exe.config.
config."Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.config" string "" A custom Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.config.
extraContainers list [] Additional sidecar containers to add to the service pod.
extraEnvVars list [] Additional environment variables.
extraEnvVarsCM string "" The name of the ConfigMap containing additional environment variables.
extraEnvVarsSecret string "" The name of the Secret containing extra additional environment variables.
extraInitContainers list [] Additional init containers to add to the service pod.
extraVolumeMounts list [] Extra volumeMounts for the service container. More info: kubectl explain deployment.spec.template.spec.containers.volumeMounts.
extraVolumes list [] Extra volumes for the service container. More info: kubectl explain deployment.spec.template.spec.volumes.
fluentBitSidecar.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" The image pull policy for the fluent-bit logging sidecar image.
fluentBitSidecar.image.repository string "fluent/fluent-bit" The image repository for fluent-bit logging sidecar.
fluentBitSidecar.image.tag string "3.1.6" The image tag to use for fluent-bit logging sidecar.
fluentBitSidecar.securityContext object {} The securityContext setting for fluent-bit sidecar container. Overrides any securityContext setting on the Pod level.
fullnameOverride string ""
image.pullPolicy string nil The spotfire-server image pull policy. Overrides global.spotfire.image.pullPolicy.
image.pullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets.
image.registry string nil The image registry for spotfire-server. Overrides global.spotfire.image.registry value.
image.repository string "spotfire/spotfire-webplayer" The spotfire-server image repository.
image.tag string "14.4.1-1" The container image tag to use.
kedaAutoscaling object {"advanced":{},"cooldownPeriod":300,"enabled":false,"fallback":{},"maxReplicas":4,"minReplicas":1,"pollingInterval":30,"spotfireConfig":{"prometheusServerAddress":"http://prometheus-server.monitor.svc.cluster.local"},"threshold":null,"triggers":[]} KEDA autoscaling configuration. See for more details.
kedaAutoscaling.cooldownPeriod int 300 The period to wait after the last trigger reported active before scaling the resource back to 0.
kedaAutoscaling.maxReplicas int 4 This setting is passed to the HPA definition that KEDA creates for a given resource and holds the maximum number of replicas of the target resource.
kedaAutoscaling.minReplicas int 1 The minimum number of replicas KEDA scales the resource down to.
kedaAutoscaling.pollingInterval int 30 The interval to check each trigger on.
kedaAutoscaling.spotfireConfig object {"prometheusServerAddress":"http://prometheus-server.monitor.svc.cluster.local"} Spotfire specific settings.
kedaAutoscaling.spotfireConfig.prometheusServerAddress string "http://prometheus-server.monitor.svc.cluster.local" REQUIRED. The URL for the Prometheus server from where metrics are fetched.
livenessProbe.enabled bool true
livenessProbe.failureThreshold int 10
livenessProbe.httpGet.path string "/spotfire/liveness"
livenessProbe.httpGet.port string "registration"
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 60
livenessProbe.periodSeconds int 3
logging.logForwarderAddress string "" The spotfire-server log-forwarder name. Template.
logging.logLevel string "debug" Set to debug, trace, minimal, or leave empty for info. This applies for both node manager and the service.
nameOverride string ""
nodeSelector object {}
nodemanagerConfig.preStopDrainingTimeoutSeconds int 610 The draining timeout after which the service is forcefully shut down.
nodemanagerConfig.serverBackendAddress string "" The spotfire-server service name. This value is evaluated as a helm template.
podAnnotations."" string "/spotfire/metrics"
podAnnotations."" string "9080"
podAnnotations."" string "true"
podSecurityContext object {} The Pod securityContext setting applies to all of the containers inside the Pod.
readinessProbe.enabled bool false
readinessProbe.failureThreshold int 10
readinessProbe.httpGet.path string "/spotfire/readiness"
readinessProbe.httpGet.port string "registration"
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 60
readinessProbe.periodSeconds int 3
replicaCount int 1
resources object {}
securityContext object {} The securityContext setting for the service container. Overrides any securityContext setting on the Pod level.
service.port int 9501
service.type string "ClusterIP"
serviceAccount.annotations object {}
serviceAccount.create bool false string ""
startupProbe.enabled bool true
startupProbe.failureThreshold int 20
startupProbe.httpGet.path string "/spotfire/started"
startupProbe.httpGet.port string "registration"
startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 60
startupProbe.periodSeconds int 3
tolerations list []
volumes.customModules.existingClaim string "" When 'persistentVolumeClaim.create' is 'false', then use this value to define an already existing persistent volume claim.
volumes.customModules.persistentVolumeClaim.create bool false If 'true', then a 'PersistentVolumeClaim' is created.
volumes.customModules.persistentVolumeClaim.resources object {"requests":{"storage":"2Gi"}} Specifies the standard Kubernetes resource requests and/or limits for the volumes.customModules claims.
volumes.customModules.persistentVolumeClaim.storageClassName string "" Specifies the name of the 'StorageClass' to use for the volumes.customModules-claim.
volumes.customModules.persistentVolumeClaim.volumeName string nil Specifies the name of the persistent volume to use for the volumes.customModules-claim.
volumes.customModules.subPath string "" The subPath of the volume to be used for the volume mount
volumes.troubleshooting.existingClaim string "" When 'persistentVolumeClaim.create' is 'false', then use this value to define an already existing persistent volume claim.
volumes.troubleshooting.persistentVolumeClaim.create bool false If 'true', then a 'PersistentVolumeClaim' will be created.
volumes.troubleshooting.persistentVolumeClaim.resources object {"requests":{"storage":"2Gi"}} Specifies the standard Kubernetes resource requests and/or limits for the volumes.troubleshooting claims.
volumes.troubleshooting.persistentVolumeClaim.storageClassName string "" Specifies the name of the 'StorageClass' to use for the volumes.troubleshooting-claim.
volumes.troubleshooting.persistentVolumeClaim.volumeName string nil Specifies the name of the persistent volume to use for the volumes.troubleshooting-claim.
webplayerConfig.resourcePool string "" The web player resource pool.