0.6.0 (2022/01/24)
Added functionality to publish a local file directly to an EcoShard server.
This is available in the command line publish command whose arguments have
been redefined from the previous version. -
Added flag to allow for multi-thread version of TaskGraph.
Fixed issue with geoprocessing bounding box projection on exotic projections
such as sinusoidal to wgs84. -
Added a
function that calculates the EPSG code for the
major UTM zones given a lat/lng coordinate. -
Fixed an issue that would cause a crash in stitching rasters where the base
raster was too far up/left of the target stitch raster but still overlapped
with the stitch target. -
Added functionality to
to extract stream layer
based on Strahler stream order and build subwatersheds and vector stream
layer from that information.geoproceesing.routing.extract_strahler_streams_d8
Added functionality to detect the lowest drain or sink in a DEM in
. -
Added functionality to detect all outlets as a geometry layer in
. -
Added a
flag to limit the number of characters in
the hash generated by--hash_file