JSX — Allows us to write HTML like syntax which gets transformed to lightweightJavaScript objects.
Virtual DOM — A JavaScript representation of the actual DOM.
React.Component — The way in which you create a new component.
render (method) — Describes what the UI will look like for the particular component.
ReactDOM.render — Renders a React component to a DOM node.
state — The internal data store (object) of a component.
constructor (this.state) - The way in which you establish the initial state of a component.
setState — A helper method used for updating the state of a component and re-rendering the UI
props — The data which is passed to the child component from the parent component.
propTypes — Allows you to control the presence, or types of certain props passed to the child component.
defaultProps — Allows you to set default props for your component.
Component LifeCycle
- componentDidMount — Fired after the component mounted
- componentWillUnmount — Fired before the component will unmount
- getDerivedStateFromProps - Fired when the component mounts and whenever the props change. Used to update the state of a component when its props change
- onClick
- onSubmit
- onChange