A TypeScript-based Linked List implementation for both frontend and backend use. This library provides easy-to-use Singly Linked List and Doubly Linked List implementations with common operations like insertion, deletion, search, and traversal.
- ✅ Append & Prepend elements efficiently
- ✅ Insert at any index
- ✅ Delete elements or nodes
- ✅ Find elements by value or condition
- ✅ Reverse the linked list
- ✅ Convert to/from arrays
- ✅ String representation of linked list
- ✅ Delete Head of linked list
- ✅ Delete Tail of linked list
- ✅ Clear all nodes of the list
A linked list is a data structure consisting of nodes, where each node contains:
- A value
- A pointer (reference) to the next node in the list
- In a Doubly Linked List, each node also has a pointer to the previous node
Unlike arrays, linked lists do not require contiguous memory allocation, making insertion and deletion more efficient in many cases.
📺 Visualize Linked Lists Here: Visualgo.net
npm install @sridhar-mani/js-dsa
import { LinkedList, DoubelLinkedList } from "@sridhar-mani/js-dsa";
const list = new LinkedList<number>();
console.log(list.toArray()); // Output: [1, 2, 3]
console.log(list.toArray()); // Output: [3, 2, 1]
const dll = new DoubelLinkedList<number>();
console.log(dll.toArray()); // Output: [10, 20, 30]
console.log(dll.toArray()); // Output: [30, 20, 10]
Method | Description |
.append(value) |
Adds a node to the end |
.prepend(value) |
Adds a node to the beginning |
.insert(value, index) |
Inserts a node at a given index |
.delete(value) |
Deletes the first occurrence of the value |
.find({value, callback}) |
Returns the node with the given value |
.reverse() |
Reverses the linked list |
.toArray() |
Converts the list into an array |
.toString(callback) |
Returns a string representation of the list |
.deleteHead() |
Deletes the head of the list |
.deleteTail() |
Deletes the tail of the list |
.clear() |
Clears all nodes from the list |
.getLength() |
Returns the length of the list |
.fromArray(array) |
Creates list from array of values |
git clone https://github.com/sridhar-mani/js-dsa.git
npm install
npm run build
This project is licensed under the MIT License.