- enhanced search (search after vocabularies, classes, properties, geographical and temporal coverage)
- new search type: SPARQL
- new subscription type: SPARQL subscriptions
- enriched dataset page (used vocabularies, geographical and temporal coverage)
- similar datasets
- personalized recommendations
Installation instructions
install Virtuoso v6
install FedX v2 (in case of more than 1 endpoint)
apply db.sql file to add necessary tables
install LODStats and Redland rdflib:
pip install -e git+https://github.com/srkunze/ckanext-semantic#egg=ckanext-semantic pip install -e git+https://github.com/srkunze/LODStats#egg=lodstatsadd to your CKAN configuration file:
# add this to your plugins ckan.plugins = semantic # constants for dataset statistics update ckan.semantic.waiting_time = 1 ckan.semantic.ratio_old_new = 0.4 # credentials for sparql clients (for delete and insert) # pattern: SPARQL_{attribute}_{role}; attribute in [username, password, hostname]; role in [root] ckan.semantic.SPARQL_username_root = dba ckan.semantic.SPARQL_password_root = dba ckan.semantic.SPARQL_hostname_root = localhost # federation tool fedX required ckan.semantic.FedX = {path to your FedX}/lib/* # endpoints # pattern: SPARQL_endpoint# from 0 to 20 ckan.semantic.SPARQL_endpoint1 = http://localhost:8890/sparql ckan.semantic.SPARQL_endpoint1_name = CKAN Store ckan.semantic.SPARQL_endpoint2 = http://dbpedia.org/sparql ckan.semantic.SPARQL_endpoint2_name = DBPedia Storecreate CRON jobs to run these commands on a periodical basis:
paster semantic update_dataset_due_statistics --config=../ckan/development.ini paster semantic update_dataset_statistics {dataset_name} --config=../ckan/development.ini paster semantic update_vocabulary_statistics --config=../ckan/development.iniyou may need a key for cloudmade; add it here:
ckanext-semantic/ckanext/semantic/theme/public/javascript/package/semantic.js ckanext-semantic/ckanext/semantic/theme/public/javascript/search/semantic.js
© 2013 Sven R. Kunze
Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) v3.0