TeamName: AAAA
ChallengeName: BBBB
DeployFunds: CCCC
Creation: 2023-02-DD
Difficulty: EEEE
Update the metadata above (AAAA-EEEE). Note: CCCC = 0 if you don't need any initial fund, otherwise, specify in wei.
Check what's in the repo:
├── contracts
│ ├── ChallengeName.sol # FFFF. main challenge
│ ├── ChallengeNameFactory.sol # GGGG. factory to deploy and check the challenge
│ └── Level.sol # interface. don't touch
├── scripts
│ ├── # HHHH. for deployment to the chain
│ ├── # IIII. your solution and script to check if it's working
│ └── # utils. don't touch
├── # JJJJ. this file!
- If you run scripts/, it deploys the challenge and checks if it's working.
$ brownie run scripts/
Brownie v1.19.2 - Python development framework for Ethereum
BlockchainLabTemplateProject is the active project.
Launching 'ganache-cli --chain.vmErrorsOnRPCResponse true ...' ...
Running 'scripts/'...
Transaction sent: 0xb20f4e89842b4fd3e55ba4125d2585ea5f255eec6713ab05a4cfee546749365d
Gas price: 0.0 gwei Gas limit: 12000000 Nonce: 0
ChallengeNameFactory.constructor confirmed Block: 1 Gas used: 276723 (2.31%)
ChallengeNameFactory deployed at: 0xe7CB1c67752cBb975a56815Af242ce2Ce63d3113
Transaction sent: 0x32cc8dfd4d521cf6076a951118a4545490d4afc33b7c4d3265d530df0707033b
Gas price: 0.0 gwei Gas limit: 12000000 Nonce: 1
ChallengeNameFactory.createInstance confirmed Block: 2 Gas used: 145171 (1.21%)
player : 0x66aB6D9362d4F35596279692F0251Db635165871
factory : 0xe7CB1c67752cBb975a56815Af242ce2Ce63d3113
instance: 0x90d1ec7E45556577d8C68a77A7E1d2813BAb6C56
Transaction sent: 0x8897b4b71023b61cf6c82ec94fb72d633f15f26de47e87200a6e7aa5aa947c0a
Gas price: 0.0 gwei Gas limit: 12000000 Nonce: 0
Transaction confirmed Block: 3 Gas used: 21055 (0.18%)
* [!] Solved
Terminating local RPC client...
"ChallengeName" -> a unique challenge name (FFFF, GGGG, HHHH, IIII, JJJJ). And see if it's still working.
Design your challenge and a way to deploy (FFFF, GGGG)!
Add your solution to (IIII)
Describe your challenge in below!
How can you send 3 gwei to a smart contract? One via MetaMask, one via geth, and one via web3.js.
; NOTE. this will release the code (ChallengeName.sol)!