As someone who has spent a majority of their career in Release Engineering, I've deployed a lot of software and infrastructure to support Software Development activities. Even with internally hosted applications, the globalalization of companies now requires applications to be highly available and sometimes geographically distributed. I have compiled this collection of training material to help train others in my area about the technology choices that I have made to build a more reliable infrastructure.
The training has been grouped into the following areas:
My approach to this training material is to collect articles and videos which provide a general overview of a particular topic. The goal is to provide one to two hours of "overview training" on each topic so that someone can understand what the technology is capable of and how it can be useful. In many cases I have also provided alternate training videos in order to account for viewer preference in case the primary training is not engaging or the speaking accent is difficult to understand. I have also tried to collect more detailed "advanced training" which is useful when a deeper expertise in the subject is required. The advanced training will typically require 8 to 10 hours and cover topics in more depth. As with anything, the training is only meant to provide a starting point for learning a topic. It is up to the student to apply their own curiousity and diligence to apply that learning and search out new material on their own.