This is an extension of various common tools in PHP,New fun features will be added step by step,Look forward to it!!!
- PHP 7.0+ (PHP8 is not included))
./configure --with-php-config=/path/to/php-config
make && make install
echo "" >> /etc/php.ini
string object
The supplementary PHP string does not have the defect of behavior
//1. substr string behavior [ substr(int start,int length) ]
$str = new String("123456ZAaa");
echo $str->substr(0,3)->value().PHP_EOL;//output:123
echo $str->substr(1,3)->value().PHP_EOL;//output:23
//2. replace string behavior [ replace(string search,string replace) ]
$str = new String("123456ZAaa");
echo $str->replace('23',"bbb")->value().PHP_EOL;//output:1bbb456ZAaa
//3. insert content to string tail behavior [ insert_tail(string tailString) ]
$str = new String("123456ZAaa");
echo $str->insert_tail("--hello world")->value().PHP_EOL;//output:123456ZAaa--hello world
//4. insert content to string head behavior [ insert_head(string headString) ]
$str = new String("123456ZAaa");
echo $str->insert_head("--bb--")->value().PHP_EOL;//output:--bb--123456ZAaa
//5. take string exchange to Lowercase character[ lower() ]
$str = new String("123456ZAaa");
echo $str->lower()->value().PHP_EOL;//output:123456zaaa
//6. take string exchange to Uppercase character [ upper() ]
$str = new String("123456ZAaa");
echo $str->upper()->value().PHP_EOL;//output:123456ZAAA
e-mail: [email protected]
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