The code can be run with python 3.6. Required additional libraries are matplotlib, numpy, pandas, pickle, sklearn, tqdm, umap, and scipy.
Compressed citation dataset is provided in the 'data/citation' folder. Movielens data can be downloaded from https://grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/100k/, and Behance data can be downloaded from https://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~jmcauley/datasets.html\behance.
Hyperparameters are passed as arguments into the train function.
The path for the input and output in the code files are described with respect to the 'code' folder.
'utils.py', 'surrogates.py', 'greedy_surrogate.py', and 'preck_surrogate.py' are intermediatery files.
'results' and 'plots' folders are initially empty and will contain the output generated from the following files.
Processing on Movielens dataset: (a) Download 'u.data' file from the above link and save it in the '../data/movielens' folder. (b) Run the script 'data_processing_for_movielens.ipynb'. It will save 'train_data_d30.tsv', 'val_data_d30.tsv', and 'test_data_d30.tsv' in the '../data/movielens' folder.
Processing on Citation dataset: (a) Uncompress the '../data/citation/citation.tar.gz' file to get the citation data. (b) Run the script 'data_processing_for_citation.ipynb'. It will save 'train_data_d50.tsv', 'val_data_d50.tsv', and 'test_data_d50.tsv' in the '../data/citation' folder.
Processing on Behance dataset: (a) Download 'Behance_Image_Features.b' and 'Behance_appreciate_1M' files from the above link and save them in the '../data/behance' folder. (b) Run the script 'data_processing_for_behance.ipynb'. It will save 'train_data_d50.tsv', 'val_data_d50.tsv', and 'test_data_d50.tsv' in the '../data/behance' folder.
The command
python3 auc-rel-k-cross-validation.py k dataset surrogate
runs cross validation on a particular k-value, dataset, and surrogate. Takes k value, dataset name, and surrogate name as parameters and saves logs on training and validation datasets. Choose the best parameters for each surrogate and use them in 'auc-rel-k-run.py' file.
- The command
python3 auc-rel-k-run.py k dataset
trains all surrogates on a particular k-value and dataset (Use the best parameter values in the train function that are obtained from results of auc-rel-k-cross-validation.py for each surrogate and dataset). Takes the k value and dataset as inputs and saves logs on training and testing datasets.
If you use this code, please cite the our paper from ICML'20.
title={Optimization and Analysis of the pAp@ k Metric for Recommender Systems},
author={Hiranandani, Gaurush and Vijitbenjaronk, Warut and Koyejo, Sanmi and Jain, Prateek},
booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},