This content has been designed to work with an OpenShift Homeroom deployment. Considerations include:
- Variable interpolation for user or cluster-specific variables in the lab guide content
- Usage of cluster-internal URLs for accessing or testing services with
The TL;DR of homeroom is that we build all these labs into a website, stuff that in a container, and deploy that container to the OpenShift cluster that the workshop attendees are using. This lets us show instructions side-by-side with the OpenShift webconsole and CLI terminal.
Please see agnosticd repo if you need a primer.
Order an OpenShift 4.x Cluster on RHPDS.
Set environment variables (substitute your own values)
export TARGET_HOST=changeme # example:
export OCP_USERNAME=changeme
export WORKLOAD="ocp4_workload_servicemesh_workshop"
export GUID=example # example: b454
export USER_COUNT=5 # number of users for the workshop
- Run AgnosticD (use the development branch)
ansible-playbook -i ${TARGET_HOST}, ./configs/ocp-workloads/ocp-workload.yml \
-e"ansible_ssh_private_key_file=$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa" \
-e"ansible_user=${OCP_USERNAME}" \
-e"ocp_username=${OCP_USERNAME}" \
-e"ocp_workload=${WORKLOAD}" \
-e"silent=False" \
-e"guid=${GUID}" \
-e"num_users=${USER_COUNT}" \
Make sure you provisioned the workshop using RHPDS or ran the AgnosticD role on the cluster.
Give this URL to workshop attendees:
echo https://username-distribution-homeroom.$CLUSTER_SUBDOMAIN
They'll need to enter a valid email address and the workshop password specified by the LAB_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN
environment variable, for which the default is redhatlabs. Once logged in, they'll be given a user account and a link to the workshop.
You can perform administrative actions by visiting /admin
in the username-distribution
app. You'll need to enter admin
as a username and the value of the LAB_ADMIN_PASS
environment variable, for which the default is pleasechangethis, as a password.
For direct access to the workshop, you can navigate to:
echo https://service-mesh-workshop-homeroom.$CLUSTER_SUBDOMAIN
Delete the RHPDS cluster once you are done running the workshop