This repository contains the R package to efficiently work with the posteriordb repository. The R package includes convenience functions to access data, model code and information for individual posteriors, models, data and draws.
To install only the R package and then access the posteriors remotely,
install the package from GitHub using the remotes
To load the package, just run.
First, we create the posterior database connection to use. Here we want
to use the database locally. We assume the posteriordb
repo has been
cloned and is accessible locally.
my_pdb <- pdb_local()
The above code requires that your working directory be the cloned
repository’s main folder. Otherwise, we can use the path
argument in
to point to the local posterior database. We can also set
the environment variable PBD_PATH
to handle the connection. For more
details, see ?pdb
The most straightforward approach is to use the GitHub repository directly to access the database.
my_pdb <- pdb_github()
When you have a connection to the posterior database of choice, you can access the data, models etc., using the same functionality.
If you want to contribute to a posteriordb, see the vignette vignettes/contributing.
To list the posteriors in the database, use posterior_names()
pos <- posterior_names(my_pdb)
## [1] "arK-arK" "arma-arma11"
## [3] "bball_drive_event_0-hmm_drive_0" "bball_drive_event_1-hmm_drive_1"
## [5] "bones_data-bones_model" "butterfly-multi_occupancy"
In the same fashion, we can list data and models included in the database as
mn <- model_names(my_pdb)
## [1] "2pl_latent_reg_irt" "accel_gp" "accel_splines"
## [4] "arK" "arma11" "blr"
dn <- data_names(my_pdb)
## [1] "arK" "arma" "bball_drive_event_0"
## [4] "bball_drive_event_1" "bones_data" "butterfly"
We can also get all information on each posterior as a table with
pos <- posteriors_tbl_df(my_pdb)
## # A tibble: 6 × 7
## name model_name reference_poste… data_name added_by added_date keywords
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <date> <chr>
## 1 arK-arK arK arK-arK arK Mans Ma… 2019-11-19 stan_be…
## 2 arma-arma11 arma11 arma-arma11 arma Mans Ma… 2020-01-08 stan_be…
## 3 bball_driv… hmm_drive… bball_drive_eve… bball_dr… Oliver … 2020-05-10 stan_ex…
## 4 bball_driv… hmm_drive… bball_drive_eve… bball_dr… Oliver … 2020-05-10 stan_be…
## 5 bball_driv… hmm_drive… bball_drive_eve… bball_dr… Oliver … 2020-05-10 stan_ex…
## 6 bball_driv… hmm_drive… bball_drive_eve… bball_dr… Oliver … 2020-05-10 stan_be…
The posterior’s name is made up of the data and model fitted to the data. Together, these two uniquely define a posterior distribution. To access a posterior object, we can use the posterior name.
po <- posterior("eight_schools-eight_schools_centered", my_pdb)
From the posterior object, we can access data, model code (i.e., Stan code in this case) and other useful information.
dat <- pdb_data(po)
## $J
## [1] 8
## $y
## [1] 28 8 -3 7 -1 1 18 12
## $sigma
## [1] 15 10 16 11 9 11 10 18
code <- stan_code(po)
## data {
## int <lower=0> J; // number of schools
## real y[J]; // estimated treatment
## real<lower=0> sigma[J]; // std of estimated effect
## }
## parameters {
## real theta[J]; // treatment effect in school j
## real mu; // hyper-parameter of mean
## real<lower=0> tau; // hyper-parameter of sdv
## }
## model {
## tau ~ cauchy(0, 5); // a non-informative prior
## theta ~ normal(mu, tau);
## y ~ normal(theta, sigma);
## mu ~ normal(0, 5);
## }
We can also access the paths to data after they have been unzipped and
copied to the cache directory set in pdb
(the R temp directory by
dfp <- data_file_path(po)
## [1] "/var/folders/8x/bgssdq5n6dx1_ydrhq1zgrym0000gn/T//Rtmpwafi9o/posteriordb_cache/data/data/eight_schools.json"
scfp <- stan_code_file_path(po)
## [1] "/var/folders/8x/bgssdq5n6dx1_ydrhq1zgrym0000gn/T//Rtmpwafi9o/posteriordb_cache/models/stan/eight_schools_centered.stan"
We can also access information regarding the model and the data used to compute the posterior.
## Data: eight_schools
## The 8 schools dataset of Rubin (1981)
## Model: eight_schools_centered
## A centered hiearchical model for 8 schools
## Frameworks: 'stan', 'pymc3'
Note that the references reference BibTeX items found in
We can access most of the posterior information as a tbl_df
tbl <- posteriors_tbl_df(my_pdb)
## # A tibble: 6 × 7
## name model_name reference_poste… data_name added_by added_date keywords
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <date> <chr>
## 1 arK-arK arK arK-arK arK Mans Ma… 2019-11-19 stan_be…
## 2 arma-arma11 arma11 arma-arma11 arma Mans Ma… 2020-01-08 stan_be…
## 3 bball_driv… hmm_drive… bball_drive_eve… bball_dr… Oliver … 2020-05-10 stan_ex…
## 4 bball_driv… hmm_drive… bball_drive_eve… bball_dr… Oliver … 2020-05-10 stan_be…
## 5 bball_driv… hmm_drive… bball_drive_eve… bball_dr… Oliver … 2020-05-10 stan_ex…
## 6 bball_driv… hmm_drive… bball_drive_eve… bball_dr… Oliver … 2020-05-10 stan_be…
In addition, we can also access a list of posteriors with
. The filtering function follows dplyr filter
pos <- filter_posteriors(pdb = my_pdb, data_name == "eight_schools")
## [[1]]
## Posterior (eight_schools-eight_schools_centered)
## Data: eight_schools
## The 8 schools dataset of Rubin (1981)
## Model: eight_schools_centered
## A centered hiearchical model for 8 schools
## Frameworks: 'stan', 'pymc3'
## [[2]]
## Posterior (eight_schools-eight_schools_noncentered)
## Data: eight_schools
## The 8 schools dataset of Rubin (1981)
## Model: eight_schools_noncentered
## A non-centered hiearchical model for 8 schools
## Frameworks: 'stan'
To access reference posterior draws, we use
rpd <- reference_posterior_draws(po)
The function reference_posterior_draws()
returns a posterior
object that can be summarized and transformed using the
## # A tibble: 10 × 10
## variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 theta[1] 6.15 5.59 5.62 4.56 -1.68 16.3 1.00 10095. 9732.
## 2 theta[2] 4.94 4.77 4.65 4.14 -2.22 12.8 1.00 10049. 10139.
## 3 theta[3] 3.91 4.11 5.28 4.48 -4.91 11.8 1.00 9533. 9339.
## 4 theta[4] 4.80 4.70 4.77 4.22 -2.67 12.6 1.00 10026. 9666.
## 5 theta[5] 3.61 3.82 4.61 4.15 -4.26 10.6 1.00 9922. 10207.
## 6 theta[6] 4.05 4.16 4.80 4.32 -3.87 11.5 1.00 9783. 10039.
## 7 theta[7] 6.32 5.80 5.00 4.39 -0.855 15.3 1.00 10039. 9690.
## 8 theta[8] 4.88 4.79 5.32 4.47 -3.32 13.5 1.00 9605. 9871.
## 9 mu 4.41 4.36 3.31 3.30 -0.936 9.83 1.00 10041. 9973.
## 10 tau 3.60 2.75 3.20 2.55 0.257 9.73 1.00 9989. 9992.
To access information on the reference posterior we can use
or use info()
on the reference
posterior. The posterior reference draws return information on how the
reference posterior was computed.
rpi <- reference_posterior_draws_info(po)
## Posterior: eight_schools-eight_schools_noncentered
## Method: stan_sampling (rstan 2.21.1)
## Arguments:
## chains: 10
## iter: 20000
## warmup: 10000
## thin: 10
## seed: 4711
## adapt_delta: 0.95
## Posterior: eight_schools-eight_schools_noncentered
## Method: stan_sampling (rstan 2.21.1)
## Arguments:
## chains: 10
## iter: 20000
## warmup: 10000
## thin: 10
## seed: 4711
## adapt_delta: 0.95