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Day 49 - Practical Guide for YAML Build Pipelines in Azure DevOps - Part 6

The other posts in this Series can be found below.

Day 35 - Practical Guide for YAML Build Pipelines in Azure DevOps - Part 1
Day 38 - Practical Guide for YAML Build Pipelines in Azure DevOps - Part 2
Day 39 - Practical Guide for YAML Build Pipelines in Azure DevOps - Part 3
Day 40 - Practical Guide for YAML Build Pipelines in Azure DevOps - Part 4
Day 41 - Practical Guide for YAML Build Pipelines in Azure DevOps - Part 5
Day 49 - Practical Guide for YAML Build Pipelines in Azure DevOps - Part 6

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Today, we are going to add error handling to the az acr create command and then add it back to the bash script.

NOTE: Replace all instances of pracazconreg in this article with the name you provided for the Azure Container Registry in Part 2!

In this article:

Adding Error Handling for ACR Creation
Update the Bash Script
Check on the Build Pipeline Job
Things to Consider

Adding Error Handling for ACR Creation

In Part 5, we added Error Handling to the Resource Group creation from the az group create command. We are going to add the same type of error handling now to az acr create.

At the end of Part 5, our script looks as follows.


# Author:      Ryan Irujo
# Name:
# Description: Deploys Infrastructure to a target Azure Sub from an Azure CLI Task in Azure DevOps.

# Deploying the 'practical-yaml' Resource Group.
CHECK_RG=$(az group create \
--name practical-yaml \
--location westeurope \
--query properties.provisioningState \
--output tsv)

if [ "$CHECK_RG" == "Succeeded" ]; then
    echo "[---success---] Resource Group 'practical-yaml' was deployed successfully. Provisioning State: $CHECK_RG."
    echo "[---fail------] Resource Group 'practical-yaml' was not deployed successfully. Provisioning State: $CHECK_RG."
    exit 2

Next, we are going to walk through creating error handling for the az acr create command. On your Linux Host (with Azure CLI installed), open up a bash prompt and run the following command.

az acr create \
--name pracazconreg \
--resource-group practical-yaml \
--sku Basic

You should get the following output since the pracazconreg Azure Container Registry is already in place.

  "adminUserEnabled": false,
  "creationDate": "2019-11-09T13:38:45.459627+00:00",
  "id": "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/practical-yaml/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/pracazconreg",
  "location": "westeurope",
  "loginServer": "",
  "name": "pracazconreg",
  "networkRuleSet": null,
  "policies": {
    "quarantinePolicy": {
      "status": "disabled"
    "retentionPolicy": {
      "days": 7,
      "lastUpdatedTime": "2019-11-09T13:40:46.896754+00:00",
      "status": "disabled"
    "trustPolicy": {
      "status": "disabled",
      "type": "Notary"
  "provisioningState": "Succeeded",
  "resourceGroup": "practical-yaml",
  "sku": {
    "name": "Basic",
    "tier": "Basic"
  "status": null,
  "storageAccount": null,
  "tags": {},
  "type": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries"

Notice that the provisioningState for the Azure Container Registry command is under the root structure of the JSON output; this is why it's query needs to be formatted differently than the query created for az group create command which returns the provisioningState under the properties section. Because commands can return slightly different output formats, when you are querying Resources in Azure, make sure to test the JSON Output from your queries thoroughly when creating error handling!

Next, run the following command to create the pracazconreg Azure Container Registry and return its provisioningState.

CHECK_ACR=$(az acr create \
--name pracazconreg \
--resource-group practical-yaml \
--sku Basic \
--query provisioningState \
--output tsv)

Run the following command to get see the results returned to the $CHECK_ACR variable.


You should get back the following response.


Update the Bash Script

Next, in VS Code, open the file. Replace it's current contents with the code below and save and commit it to the repository.


# Author:      Ryan Irujo
# Name:
# Description: Deploys Infrastructure to a target Azure Sub from an Azure CLI Task in Azure DevOps.

# Deploying the 'practical-yaml' Resource Group.
CHECK_RG=$(az group create \
--name practical-yaml \
--location westeurope \
--query properties.provisioningState \
--output tsv)

if [ "$CHECK_RG" == "Succeeded" ]; then
    echo "[---success---] Resource Group 'practical-yaml' was deployed successfully. Provisioning State: $CHECK_RG."
    echo "[---fail------] Resource Group 'practical-yaml' was not deployed successfully. Provisioning State: $CHECK_RG."
    exit 2

# Deploying the 'pracazconreg' Azure Container Registry.
CHECK_ACR=$(az acr create \
--name pracazconreg \
--resource-group practical-yaml \
--sku Basic \
--query provisioningState \
--output tsv)

if [ "$CHECK_ACR" == "Succeeded" ]; then
    echo "[---success---] Azure Container Registry 'pracazconreg' was deployed successfully. Provisioning State: $CHECK_ACR."
    echo "[---fail------] Azure Container Registry 'pracazconreg' was not deployed successfully. Provisioning State: $CHECK_ACR."
    exit 2

Check on the Build Pipeline Job

Review the logs of the most current job in the practical-yaml-build-pipe Build Pipeline and you should see the following output from the Deploying Base Infrastructure Azure CLI Task.


NOTE: Still wondering what happened to that ACR Login command right? Fear not, we'll be addressing it very soon in this series.

Things to Consider

When you are querying Resources in Azure, make sure to test the JSON Output from your queries thoroughly when creating error handling!


In today's article we added error handling to the az acr create command and then added it back to the bash script. If there's a specific scenario that you wish to be covered in future articles, please create a New Issue in the starkfell/100DaysOfIaC GitHub repository.