PPT FOR THE REFERENCE - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11Dqf3-LDam_gKL9ur5f8Iciqy46SVin_/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115855241515601208174&rtpof=true&sd=true
TEAM Details -
Ashutosh Gupta
Ayush Singh
Aryan Pathak
Deepak Parwani
Vivek Singh
This software provides a feature of cctv recording which can be linked with the cloud storage and can be used for monitoring homes or cab drivers even from far distance . This software also deals with the detection of face and eyes that can be used as a drowsiness detectors for the cab drivers. The CCTV RECORDING starts with the input of the otp and ends when the 'esc' key is pressed. The FACE DETECTION starts with the input of the otp and ends when the 'Q' key is pressed.