ProtocolLib wrapper for CommandHelper
create_packet(protocol, side, name)
packet_read([packet], index)
packet_write([packet], index, value)
send_packet([player], packet)
protocol, side, name, player, packet
bind(player_join, null, null, @e) {
@packet = create_packet('play', 'out', 'chat')
packet_write(@packet, 0, 'Hello')
packet_write(@packet, 2, 'GAME_INFO')
bind(packet_event, null, array(name: CHAT), @e) {
@info = packet_read(@e[packet], 2)
if (@info == 'GAME_INFO') {
packet_write(0, colorize('&cHello CHProtocol!'))
*:/wb = >>>
@loc = ploc()
@packet = create_packet('play', 'out', 'worldBorder') // create a worldborder packet
packet_write(@packet, 0, 'SET_CENTER') // marking to `set center`
packet_write(@packet, 1, 29999984) // No idea but the server sent this
_set_wb_size(@packet, 20) // world border size
_set_wb_center(@packet, 'world', @loc[x], @loc[z]) // worldborder center
packet_write(@packet, 7, 15) // maybe warning related
packet_write(@packet, 8, 5) // maybe warning related
send_packet(@packet) // send the packet
set_timeout(0, closure() { // delay 1 tick, because without this doesn't work
packet_write(@packet, 0, 'SET_SIZE') // remarking to `set_size`
send_packet(@packet) // resend the packet
proc _set_wb_size(@packet, @size) {
packet_write(@packet, 4, @size)
packet_write(@packet, 5, @size)
proc _set_wb_center(@packet, @world, @x, @z) {
@modifier = if (world_info(@world)[environment] == 'NETHER'
, 8
, 1)
packet_write(@packet, 2, @x * @modifier)
packet_write(@packet, 3, @z * @modifier)