extends Liersch.Json to include reflection-based serialization and deserialization. Based on Liersch.Reflection, fields and properties are efficiently read and written using dynamically generated IL code.
The library supports the following .NET platforms:
- from .NET Framework 2.0
- from .NET Core 2.0
- from .NET Standard 2.1
- Mono
All major changes are logged in the file.
The easiest and the fastest way to integrate the library into a project is to use the Liersch.JsonSerialization package published on NuGet. For older projects (before .NET Framework 4.0) the library and its dependent libraries have to be compiled and integrated manually.
The classes JsonSerializer
and JsonDeserializer
are based on reflection. Fields and properties to be processed by serialization and deserialization must be marked with JsonMemberAttribute
. Only public fields and properties should be marked with this attribute. For deserialization a public standard constructor is required.
class Example
public int[] IntegerArray;
public string StringValue;
public string NotSerializedString;
In the following example an instance of a serializable class is created, serialized and deserialized again.
var e1=new Example();
e1.IntegerArray=new int[] { 10, 20, 30, 700, 800 };
e1.StringValue="Example Text";
e1.NotSerializedString="Other Text";
string json=new JsonSerializer().Serialize(e1);
Example e2=new JsonDeserializer().Deserialize<Example>(json);
The software is published under the conditions of an open source license. Alternatively, other terms can be agreed under a commercial license. You can support the maintenance and further development of the software with a voluntary donation.
Copyright © 2013-2021 Steffen Liersch
The source code is maintained on GitHub:
Packages can be downloaded through NuGet: