This tool can be used to create a stemmer dictionary file from a file in Kristinar form coming from Árnastofnun.
The output file should be used with the StemmerOverrideFilterFactory
of Solr or ElasticSearch, or with HunspellStemFilterFactory
and Hunspell dictionary files.
# Either in a separate directory, or use --global
composer require stefna/icelandic-morphology-database-converter
Download the Kristínarsnið file from correct place. Make sure you read terms of use. Then run the ./bin/dim-convert
executable. Note that this takes a while. There are more than 6 million lines the source file.
Convert BIN database to stemmer_override file for Lucene based search engine.
Information about terminology can be found here
convert [options] [--] <input-file> <output-file>
input-file The input CSV file
output-file The output file
-E, --output-format-elastic Format output for elasticsearch
-S, --output-format-solr Format output for solr (default)
-H, --output-format-hunspell Format output for hunspell (filename must be the prefix (will generate .dic and .aff files))
-I, --input-format=INPUT-FORMAT Which format is the input. K or S
--filter-domain=FILTER-DOMAIN Comma separated list of domains
--filter-max-correctness-word=FILTER-MAX-CORRECTNESS-WORD 1-5 - 5 means 0
--filter-genre-word=FILTER-GENRE-WORD CSV of genres (FORM,FORN,...)
--filter-visibility=FILTER-VISIBILITY CSV of visibilities (K=core, V=rest)
--filter-max-correctness-inflectional=FILTER-MAX-CORRECTNESS-INFLECTIONAL 1-5 of the inflectional word - 5 means 0
--filter-genre-inflectional=FILTER-GENRE-INFLECTIONAL CSV of genres (FORM,FORN,...)
--filter-value-inflectional=FILTER-VALUE-INFLECTIONAL CSV of values (JAFN,RIK,...)
--add-alternative-entries Should the alternative entry be added if available
--merge Should same inflection forms be merged into the first base form (based on ID)
--case-sensitive Should the words keep case (default: no)
--hunspell-combo-threshold=HUNSPELL-COMBO-THRESHOLD Hunspell "combo" optimization threshold [default: 300]
-h, --help Display this help message
-q, --quiet Do not output any message
-V, --version Display this application version
--ansi Force ANSI output
--no-ansi Disable ANSI output
-n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question
-DB, --filter-domain-basic Preset for basic domain
-GB, --filter-genre-word-basic Basic preset for genre
-IB, --filter-genre-inflectional-basic Basic preset for genre inflactional
-VB, --filter-value-inflectional-basic Basic preset for value of inflactional form
-v|vv|vvv, --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
$ ./bin/dim-convert ~/Downloads/KRISTINsnid.csv my-stemdict.txt
$ wc my-stemdict.txt
2866501 8599591 85303196 my-stemdict.txt
$ head -n 1 my-stemdict.txt
aa-deildina => aa-deildin
$ time php8.2 -d memory_limit=1G ./bin/dim-convert -q \
-H \
--hunspell-combo-threshold 10 \
--case-sensitive \
~/Downloads/KRISTINsnid.csv \
real 1m34,792s
user 1m34,189s
sys 0m0,592s
$ wc -l output/is_IS.*
25336 is_IS.aff
331609 is_IS.dic
356945 total
$ head -n 2 output/is_IS.dic
$ tail -n 2 output/is_IS.aff
SFX 12410 a uðust .
SFX 12410 a uðumst .
In order to be able to use the hunspell dictionary files properly, we run an optimization on them.
There we find some common patterns and join them into separate pattern.
This is where the hunspell-combo-threshold
option comes in.
Note that the hunspell files are only usable for stemming, not as actual dictionary files!
Hunspell has a performance issue when using huge aff files. Specifically if there are many SFX rules with many entries we see performance degrade exponentially. Having many SFX rules with a single entry is very fast. Therefore, we start with creating an SFX rule with only one entry for each possible replacement. Then we find all combinations that are recurring, and if the number of dict entries is above the configured threshold, we splice these rules together. This results in much smaller size of files and without having performance problems.
After some testing it seem that setting the threshold to 100 is the sweetspot.
With the current input file and case-sensitive flag we get <8MB dic file and a 500KB aff file.
If your Solr instance is running in Cloud mode, note that Zookeeper has file size limits that by default are 1MB. But you should be fine with changing that limit to 10MB without any performance issues.
The HunspellStemFilterFactory
can take in a comma separated list of .dic files, but only one .aff file. So, you can get around the 1MB limit that way instead of increasing the limit in ZK.
We are always happy to receive bug/security reports and bug/security fixes