PyNgsild is a library to communicate/integrate simply with a FIWARE Context Broker using the NGSI-LD API.
The library defines Classes for each element of the NGSI-LD data model, namely:
- Entity,
- Property,
- Relationship.
Then, a ContextBroker Class implements the NGSI-LD operations (e.g. Create Entity). The current implementation supports:
- Create Entity,
- Update Entity Attributes,
- Append Entity Attributes,
- Delete Entity,
- Retrieve Entity,
- Query Entities
A simple entity can be created with:
from pyngsild.entity import Entity
entity_1 = Entity(id='uri:entity_id', type='entity_type')
Then, the NGSI-LD context of this entity can be set with:
entity_1.at_context = 'https://my/context'
A simple property could be created with:
from pyngsild.proprel import Property
property_1 = Property(name='property_name', value='property_value')
A complete property could be created with:
property_2 = Property(name='property_name', value='property_value',
observed_at='some_date_time', unit_code='a_unit_code',
GeoProperty are supported and can be created with:
from pyngsild.proprel import GeoProperty
geo_property = GeoProperty(name='location',
value='{'type': 'Point',
'coordinates': [46.969047065728226, 19.649525998191066]}')
It is then easy to add a property to an entity or to another property:
It really follows the same principle as Property (with obviously different type of attributes). For instance, to create relationship:
from pyngsild.proprel import Relationship
relationship_1 = Relationship(name='relationship_name', object_='to:uri:object',
a property can be added to a relationship:
And a relationship can be added to a property:
At this stage, the entity_1 has a property property_1, which has a geo_property and a relationship_1, which itself has a property property_2.
The NGSI-LD json representation of this entity can be simply displayed with:
Operations to a NGSI-LD Context Broker are supported through the ContextBroker Class. For instance, creating an entity into a Context Broker is simply done with:
from pyngsild.ctxbroker import ContextBroker
ctxb = ContextBroker()
response = ctxb.create_entity(entity=entity_1)
ContextBroker manage authorisation tokens to access a Context Broker, that is getting and renewing an access token. For this, ContextBroker() requires the following environment variables:
- PYNGSILD_SSO_SERVER_URL: Environment variable for the SSO server URL
- PYNGSILD_SSO_CLIENT_ID: Environment variable for the client_id
- PYNGSILD_SSO_CLIENT_SECRET = Environment variable for the client_secret
Also, the following environment variable is required for the URL of the Context Broker:
- PYNGSILD_CB_HOST: Environment variable for Context Broker host URL
pip install git+https://{token}
Or alternatively:
pip install git+ssh://[email protected]/stellio-hub/pyngsild