This is a really simple service that lets you produce messages to Kafka topics
Simply run the repl in the folder and start sending messages.
npm install
npm install -g coffee-script
coffee> app = require './app'
{ send: [Function] }
coffee> Ready to produce messages
And now you are ready to send messages through #send
#send(topic, message)
coffee> app.send('node-email', {to: "lol"})
Sending message { to: 'lol' }
coffee> Produced message: { 'node-email': { '0': 253 } }
To start the service use the following
npm install
npm install -g coffee-script
coffee --readline
You will be asked to give a name to your topic and after that you can start producting messages to your kafka topic
Topic to send payload: node-email
> { to: "[email protected]", subject: "Hello world" }
Produced message: { 'node-email': { '0': 197 } }
--topic topicName # Specify the topic name when starting the service
--readline # Takes user input from STDIN