An avr library to get the moon phase angle and percentage of the moon that is illuminated. Referenced from the moonPhase esp32 library.
moonPhaser.getPhase(year, month, day, hour)
Get the moon phase at a specific time.
#include <moonPhaser.h>
moonPhaser moonPhase; // include a MoonPhase instance
void setup() {
Serial.println( "moonPhase simple example." );
void printMoon() {
moonData_t moon; // variable to receive the data
// January 31st, 2020 @ 1:30PM UTC
int32_t year = 2020;
int32_t month = 1;
int32_t day = 31;
double hour = 13.5;
moon = moonPhase.getPhase(year, month, day, hour);
// Waxing: 0-180
// Waning: 180-360
Serial.print( "Moon phase angle: " );
Serial.print( moon.angle ); // angle is a integer between 0-360
Serial.println( " degrees." );
Serial.print( "Moon surface lit: " );
Serial.println( moon.percentLit * 100 ); // percentLit is a real between 0-1
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly: