A Kubernetes operator for deploying and managing free5GC network slices in BANS 5GC.
See operator-framework/operator-sdk.
# Pre-install
sudo apt instal make
# Install all resources (CRD's, RBAC and Operator)
make install
# Create a new CR
kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/bans.io_v1alpha1_free5gcslice_cr1.yaml
# Check if the new slice is running before proceeding
kubectl get pods -l app.kubernetes.io/name=free5gc-smf,bans.io/slice=slice1 | grep Running
# Set ransim pod variable
export RANSIM_POD=$( kubectl get pods -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=free5gc -l app.kubernetes.io/name=ransim -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}' )
# Test registration and data traffic with slice 1
kubectl exec $RANSIM_POD -- bash -c "cd src/test && go test -vet=off -run TestRegistration -ue-idx=1 -sst=1 -sd=010203"
# Create a new CR
kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/bans.io_v1alpha1_free5gcslice_cr2.yaml
# Check if the new slice is running before proceeding
kubectl get pods -l app.kubernetes.io/name=free5gc-smf,bans.io/slice=slice2 | grep Running
# Test registration and data traffic with slice 2
kubectl exec $RANSIM_POD -- bash -c "cd src/test && go test -vet=off -run TestRegistration -ue-idx=2 -sst=1 -sd=112233"
# Uninstall all that all performed in the $ make install
make uninstall
# Execute the following scripts if uninstallation blocks at removing Free5GCSlice CRD
# Uninstall all BANS 5GC functions along with CR except Mongo DB
make reset-free5gc