Developing an autonomous robot in ROS Gazebo to navigate through an obstacle course and read clue boards using a trained character recognition model.
These instructions will set up the environment to deploy the simulation, score_tracker, and controller and image_processing nodes simulaneously.
A few examples of useful commands and/or tasks.
Build Environment:
cd ~/ros_ws
Source environment:
source ~/ros_ws/devel/setup.bash
Start the simulated world:
cd ~/ros_ws/src/2024_competition/enph353/enph353_utils/scripts
./ -vpg
Start score_tracker:
cd ~/ros_ws/src/2024_competition/enph353/enph353_utils/scripts
To launch image processing and controller node:
cd ~/ros_ws/src/controller/launch
roslaunch my_launch.launch
These three will need to be launched in 3 separate terminals. The simulation must be launched first, followed by a score tracker and controller.
To view the simulation from the robot's camera feed:
rosrun rqt_image_view rqt_image_view
The Competition repository and setup can be found here:
- main: Most up-to-date implemented drive and image recognition.
- image_processing: Optimizing different models to train the most efficient model for character recognition from a different perspective.
- imitation_learning_drive: Training our imitation learning drive around the course.
- initial_drive_testing: Basic code for time trials.