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Daytime Sleeping & en_us.json Improvements (#48)
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Superkat32 authored Oct 8, 2023
1 parent 242002e commit 6cd8241
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Showing 6 changed files with 86 additions and 16 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
import me.shedaniel.autoconfig.AutoConfig;
import me.shedaniel.autoconfig.serializer.GsonConfigSerializer;
import net.fabricmc.api.ModInitializer;
import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.entity.event.v1.EntitySleepEvents;
import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.event.lifecycle.v1.ServerLifecycleEvents;
import net.minecraft.util.ActionResult;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

Expand All @@ -25,5 +27,15 @@ public void onInitialize() {
config = AutoConfig.getConfigHolder(RealisticSleepConfig.class).getConfig();

//Registers a sleeping event using Fabric API
EntitySleepEvents.ALLOW_SLEEP_TIME.register(((player, sleepingPos, vanillaResult) -> {
//If day sleeping is disabled, then the vanilla Minecraft action will be returned instead
if(config.allowDaySleeping) {
return ActionResult.SUCCESS;

return ActionResult.PASS;
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public class SleepMath {
public static final int DAY_LENGTH = 24000;
public static final int WAKE_UP_TIME = 23449;
public static final int SUNRISE_WAKE_UP = 23449;
public static final int SUNSET_WAKE_UP = 12449;

public static double calculateNightTimeStepPerTick(double sleepingRatio, double multiplier, double lastTimeStepPerTick) {
return switch (config.sleepSpeedCurve) {
Expand All @@ -17,14 +18,18 @@ public static int calculateTicksToTimeOfDay(int timeOfDay, int targetTimeOfDay)

public static int calculateTicksUntilAwake(int currentTimeOfDay) {
return calculateTicksToTimeOfDay(currentTimeOfDay, DAY_LENGTH);
return calculateTicksToTimeOfDay(currentTimeOfDay, isNightTime(currentTimeOfDay) ? DAY_LENGTH : SUNSET_WAKE_UP);

public static int calculateSecondsUntilAwake(int currentTimeOfDay, double timeStepPerTick, double tps) {
return (int) Math.round(calculateTicksUntilAwake(currentTimeOfDay) / timeStepPerTick / tps);
return (int) Math.round(calculateTicksUntilAwake(currentTimeOfDay % DAY_LENGTH) / timeStepPerTick / tps);

public static double getRandomNumberInRange(double min, double max) {
return (Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;

public static boolean isNightTime(long currentTimeOfDay) {
return currentTimeOfDay % DAY_LENGTH >= SUNSET_WAKE_UP;
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public class RealisticSleepConfig implements ConfigData {
public boolean sendDawnMessage = true;

public boolean sendDuskMessage = true;

public String dawnMessage = "The sun rises.";

public String duskMessage = "The night begins.";

public boolean sendSleepingMessage = true;
public boolean showTimeUntilDawn = true;

public boolean showTimeUntilDusk = true;
public boolean sendNotEnoughPlayersSleepingMessage = true;

public boolean allowDaySleeping = true;

public SleepSpeedCurve sleepSpeedCurve = SleepSpeedCurve.LINEAR;
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@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
package com.github.steveplays28.realisticsleep.mixin;

import com.github.steveplays28.realisticsleep.SleepMath;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityType;
import net.minecraft.text.Text;
import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Mixin;
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import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.callback.CallbackInfo;

import static com.github.steveplays28.realisticsleep.RealisticSleep.config;
import static com.github.steveplays28.realisticsleep.SleepMath.WAKE_UP_TIME;

public abstract class ServerPlayerEntityMixin extends Entity {
Expand All @@ -23,14 +24,22 @@ public ServerPlayerEntityMixin(EntityType<?> type, World world) {
public abstract void sendMessage(Text message, boolean overlay);

@Shadow public abstract ServerWorld getWorld();

@Inject(method = "wakeUp(ZZ)V", at = @At(value = "HEAD"))
public void wakeUpInject(boolean skipSleepTimer, boolean updateSleepingPlayers, CallbackInfo ci) {
if (getWorld().getTimeOfDay() >= WAKE_UP_TIME) {
if (!SleepMath.isNightTime(getWorld().getTimeOfDay())) {
// Return if we shouldn't send the dawn message
if (!config.sendDawnMessage || config.dawnMessage.equals("")) return;
if (!config.sendDawnMessage || config.dawnMessage.isEmpty()) return;

// Send dawn HUD message to player
sendMessage(Text.of(config.dawnMessage), true);
} else if (config.allowDaySleeping && SleepMath.isNightTime(getWorld().getTimeOfDay())) { //Only shows this message if day sleeping is allowed
// Return if we shouldn't send the dawn or dusk message
if (!config.sendDuskMessage || config.duskMessage.isEmpty()) return;

// Send dawn or dusk HUD message to player
sendMessage(Text.of(config.duskMessage), true);
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Expand Up @@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ public abstract class ServerWorldMixin extends World {
public abstract List<ServerPlayerEntity> getPlayers();

@Shadow protected abstract void wakeSleepingPlayers();

protected ServerWorldMixin(MutableWorldProperties properties, RegistryKey<World> registryRef, RegistryEntry<DimensionType> registryEntry, Supplier<Profiler> profiler, boolean isClient, boolean debugWorld, long seed, int maxChainedNeighborUpdates) {
super(properties, registryRef, registryEntry, profiler, isClient, debugWorld, seed, maxChainedNeighborUpdates);
Expand All @@ -83,6 +85,9 @@ public void tickInject(BooleanSupplier shouldKeepTicking, CallbackInfo ci) {
int secondsUntilAwake = Math.abs(
SleepMath.calculateSecondsUntilAwake((int) worldProperties.getTimeOfDay() % DAY_LENGTH, nightTimeStepPerTick, 20));

//Gets the remainder of the current time of day, as this number never actually resets each day(from my own testing)
int ticksUntilAwake = SleepMath.calculateTicksUntilAwake((int) worldProperties.getTimeOfDay() % DAY_LENGTH);

// Check if the night has (almost) ended and the weather should be skipped
if (secondsUntilAwake <= 2 && shouldSkipWeather) {
Expand All @@ -101,7 +106,7 @@ public void tickInject(BooleanSupplier shouldKeepTicking, CallbackInfo ci) {

nightTimeStepPerTick = SleepMath.calculateNightTimeStepPerTick(sleepingRatio, config.sleepSpeedMultiplier, nightTimeStepPerTick);
nightTimeStepPerTickRounded = (int) Math.round(nightTimeStepPerTick);
var isNight = worldProperties.getTimeOfDay() > DAY_LENGTH / 2;
var isNight = SleepMath.isNightTime(worldProperties.getTimeOfDay());
var nightDayOrThunderstormText = Text.translatable(
String.format("%s.text.%s", MOD_ID, worldProperties.isThundering() ? "thunderstorm" : isNight ? "night" : "day"));

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,15 +167,28 @@ public void tickInject(BooleanSupplier shouldKeepTicking, CallbackInfo ci) {
sleepMessage = Text.translatable(String.format("%s.text.sleep_message", MOD_ID), sleepingPlayerCount, playerCount).append(

if (config.showTimeUntilDawn) {
sleepMessage.append(Text.translatable(String.format("%s.text.time_until_dawn", MOD_ID), secondsUntilAwake));
if(isNight) {
if (config.showTimeUntilDawn) {
sleepMessage.append(Text.translatable(String.format("%s.text.time_until_dawn", MOD_ID), secondsUntilAwake));
} else {
if(config.showTimeUntilDusk) {
sleepMessage.append(Text.translatable(String.format("%s.text.time_until_dusk", MOD_ID), secondsUntilAwake));

for (ServerPlayerEntity player : players) {
player.sendMessage(sleepMessage, true);

int tickGrace = 30; //The amount of extra ticks for waking up - maybe useful in cases where TPS is low?
//In my own testing, using just secondsUntilAwake <= 0 seemed to have a few seconds where
//trying to sleep back in the bed would kick the player right out
if (secondsUntilAwake <= 0 && ticksUntilAwake <= tickGrace) {

@Inject(method = "tickTime", at = @At(value = "HEAD"), cancellable = true)
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27 changes: 20 additions & 7 deletions src/main/resources/assets/realisticsleep/lang/en_us.json
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@@ -1,19 +1,31 @@
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.title": "Realistic Sleep mod config",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.title": "Realistic Sleep Config",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.sendDawnMessage": "Send dawn message?",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.sendDawnMessage.@Tooltip": "Send a message to all players at dawn.",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.sendDuskMessage": "Send dusk message?",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.sendDuskMessage.@Tooltip": "Send a message to all players at dusk.",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.dawnMessage": "Dawn message",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.dawnMessage.@Tooltip": "The message that will be displayed to all players on the action bar after sleeping through the night.",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.dawnMessage.@Tooltip": "The message displayed to all players at dawn.",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.duskMessage": "Dusk message",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.duskMessage.@Tooltip": "The message displayed to all players at dawn.",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.sendSleepingMessage": "Send sleeping message?",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.sendSleepingMessage.@Tooltip": "Toggles the \"x/y players are sleeping through this night (time until dawn: z)\" message on the actionbar.",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.sendSleepingMessage.@Tooltip": "Toggles the \"players are sleeping through this night...\" message.",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.showTimeUntilDawn": "Show time until dawn?",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.showTimeUntilDawn.@Tooltip": "Displays the seconds until dawn.",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.showTimeUntilDusk": "Show time until dusk?",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.showTimeUntilDusk.@Tooltip": "Displays the seconds until dusk.",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.sendNotEnoughPlayersSleepingMessage": "Send not enough players sleeping message?",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.sendNotEnoughPlayersSleepingMessage.@Tooltip": "Toggles the \"x/y players are currently sleeping. z/w players are required to sleep through the night.\" message on the actionbar.",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.sendNotEnoughPlayersSleepingMessage.@Tooltip": "Toggles the amount of players who need to sleep to skip to dawn message.",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.allowDaySleeping": "Allow sleeping through the day?",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.allowDaySleeping.@Tooltip": "Toggles daytime sleeping.",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.sleepSpeedCurve": "Sleep speed curve",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.sleepSpeedCurve.@Tooltip": "The curve which is used to determine the multiplier of the speed of the night as time progresses.",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.sleepSpeedCurve.@Tooltip": "The curve used to determine the speed multiplier of the night as time progresses.",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.sleepSpeedMultiplier": "Sleep speed multiplier",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.sleepSpeedMultiplier.@Tooltip": "How many times faster the night should go.",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.blockEntityTickSpeedMultiplier": "Block entity tick speed multiplier",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.blockEntityTickSpeedMultiplier.@Tooltip": "How many times faster block entities like furnaces should tick.",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.chunkTickSpeedMultiplier": "Chunk tick speed multiplier",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.chunkTickSpeedMultiplier.@Tooltip": "How many times faster chunks should tick. There's a reason this is disabled by default, enable at your own risk. Insane TPS loss is guaranteed.",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.chunkTickSpeedMultiplier.@Tooltip": "How many times faster chunks should tick. Enable at your own risk. Insane TPS loss is guaranteed!!!!!",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.raidTickSpeedMultiplier": "Raid tick speed multiplier",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.raidTickSpeedMultiplier.@Tooltip": "How many times faster raid timers should tick .",
"text.autoconfig.realisticsleep.option.entityTickSpeedMultiplier": "Entity tick speed multiplier",
Expand All @@ -25,5 +37,6 @@
"realisticsleep.text.night": "night",
"": "day",
"realisticsleep.text.thunderstorm": "thunderstorm",
"realisticsleep.text.time_until_dawn": " (time until dawn: %ds)"
"realisticsleep.text.time_until_dawn": " (time until dawn: %ds)",
"realisticsleep.text.time_until_dusk": " (time until dusk: %ds)"

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