A simple game where you navigate a jumping brick through hindrances.
- Install Python 3.7.
- Install the package manager pip3.
- Install pipenv and tox with
pip3 install pipenv
. - Install the necessary packages with
pipenv install
Start the game with pipenv run python src/main.py
Simulate the game with pipenv run python src/main.py --simulate
- Open an issue to get it accepted or begin working on an existing and accepted issue.
- Make sure you fork the repository into your own repository.
- Afterwards clone the repository locally on your machine.
- Install Python 3.7.
- Install the package manager pip3.
- Install pipenv and tox with
pip3 install pipenv
. - Install the necessary packages and dev packages with
pipenv install --dev
Run the tests locally in an isolated environment via pipenv run tox
If it works correctly you can start implementing your changes.
If you want to contribute to the docs try to build them first via pipenv run tox -e build-docs
If this works as well you can continue.
flying-brick is tested via Travis CI on different architectures.
To set up Travis CI so that it tests each commit, make a new account and give Travis CI permission to your fork.
Now every new commit triggers a build and test run that is described in .travis.yml.
Commit your changes locally.
For every change add tests under src/tests.py if possible.
Make sure all tests work with tox (additionally check if the docs are built correctly).
Push your changes to your fork and let Travis CI run correctly.
Open a pull request to the main repository and link it with the issue you solved.