Not for production use! These drivers are written by an amateur and might damage your instrument. Consider this a liability waiver.
Python drivers for various devices. Implemented only as much as I have had a need for. Usage examples are under each device tests:
- Instrument: instrumentation
- DMM: digital multimeters with remote operation capability
- Keythley 2000 over GPIB, simple test
- spectrometer:
- Broadcom
- QRed SWIR with TEC. I didn't particularly like their Python driver implementation plus it had a few bits unimplemented (e.g. thermal control)
- Broadcom
- DMM: digital multimeters with remote operation capability
- interface: different interfacing devices
- gpib:
- Prologix USB-GPIB interface
- gpib:
python -m instrument.dmm.keythley2000.test.test