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Lindsay Lee edited this page Apr 30, 2023 · 1 revision

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Introductory Tutorials

Practice with use cases

Discuss OHDSI tool among team with specific relevance to Integrating SCCRIP Data in OMOP format.

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USAGI is a tool to aid the manual process of creating a code mapping. It can make suggested mappings based on the textual similarity of code descriptions. Usagi allows the user to search for the appropriate target concepts if the automated suggestion is not correct. Finally, the user can indicate which mappings are approved to be used in the ETL. Source codes that need mapping are loaded into Usagi (if the codes are not in English additional translations columns are needed). A term similarity approach is used to connect source codes to vocabulary concepts. However, these code connections need to be manually reviewed and Usagi provides an interface to facilitate that. Usagi will only propose concepts that are marked as standard concepts in the vocabulary.


Documentation: Book of OHDSI

Installation Information: Click Here

Source Code: GitHub

“10-Minute Tutorial” Video: Click Here