New York University
- New York, United States
- https://www.storieswithsiva.com
- @storieswithsiva
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Data-Science-Resources Public
👨🏽🏫You can learn about what data science is and why it's important in today's modern world. Are you interested in data science?🔋
storieswithsiva Public
✨Personal Repository. Ask me Anything. Anything means anything. Personal questions. Money. Work. Life. Code. Cooking. Traveling. Sports. Teaching. Freelancing. Whatever. 😂
GitHubGraduation-2021 Public
Forked from github-education-resources/GitHubGraduation-2021Join the GitHub Graduation Yearbook and "walk the stage" on June 5.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 12, 2021 -
storieswithsiva.github.io Public
🥰📽My Personal Website that Showcases my work as a Brand Strategy Enthusiast and helps you to check out my technical skills👨🏼💻 😏.
Twitter-Data-Analysis Public
🔍 This project is about searching the twitter for Soccer Prediction using popular keywords and applying sentiment analysis on the data.
Home-Information-System Public
👨🏽🎓💜Home Information System is a web-based PHP and MySQL which overcomes the manual error. Developed all types of Create, Read, Update and Delete operations for the Database Management System📲
PHP UpdatedAug 11, 2020 -
LinkedInGiveAway Public
👨🏽🏫You can learn about anything over here. What Giveaways I do and why it's important in today's modern world. Are you interested in Giveaway's?🔋
📚 An automated library management system developed in Php and Html
Text-Mining-in-R Public
📷 Generates Text Analytics using Bag of Words. Upload your data and it will suggest the relevant Newsgroups for you.
📈Forecasting Total amount of Products using time-series dataset consisting of daily sales data provided by one of the largest Russian software firms📆
Movie-Recommendation-Netflix Public
🔮Trying to find the best movie to watch on Netflix can be a daunting. Case Study for Recommendation System of movies in Netflix.🔧
US-Job-Market-Analysis Public
💯🔔Current Job Openings! 🕐We're Hiring!😉 Process of Gathering and Analyzing Information about the Job Descriptions and the Human Requirements of Jobs in United States💛
Data-Science-Beginners-Guide Public
📊A Beginner's Guide To Data Science. 📈 📉Start your self-learning journey into the world of data right now.
ama Public
✨Ask me Anything. Anything means anything. Personal questions. Money. Work. Life. Code. Cooking. Traveling. Sports. Teaching. Freelancing. Whatever. 😂
MIT License UpdatedJul 23, 2020 -
Passion-for-Blogging Public
👩💻“Don’t do it for the money, do it because you love it!”Sound familiar?⏳ Sounds great, right?📡
UpdatedJul 23, 2020 -
🚀Implementation of Logistic Regression and Linear Regression in Python for Classification Problems🏗
Stock-Market-Analysis Public
😲🤑Method for Investors and Traders to make Buying and Selling Decisions. 😄Fundamental hare Market Analysis is about using Real data to evaluate a Stock's Value📊 📈 📉
DVD-Rental-Store-SQL Public
💵Understanding the customer base of the DVD Rental database using SQL💰
🌝Sales forecasting can play a major role in your company's success✨ (and your own career development).💥 🔥A sales forecast predicts what a salesperson, team, or company will sell weekly, monthly, qu…
CNN-AutoEncoder-DeepLearning Public
➕💓Let's build the Simplest Possible Autoencoder .
⁉️ 🏷We'll start Simple, with a Single fully-connected Neural Layer as Encoder and as Decoder. 👨🏻💻🌟An Autoencoder is a type of Artificial Neural Net… -
Machine-Learning-AB-Testing Public
📲🗜Experience how to implement Machine Learning for A/B Testing,Create a Split Object, and then Extract the Training and Testing sets🖥