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Chris Burbridge edited this page Feb 21, 2014 · 2 revisions

BHAM CS Building Simulation with Moving Lift


The following additional setup is required in addition to the STRANDS standard Morse install.


PySide is needed for the control manager GUI. It must be installed from source for the STRANDS install of Python 3.3:

  1. Install system depends
sudo apt-get install build-essential git cmake libqt4-dev libphonon-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev qtmobility-dev

  1. Install Python3.3 setuptools:
cd /opt/strands/tmp  # OR THE PLACE YOU CHOSE
  1. Build & Install PySide (this takes a while)

tar -xvzf PySide-1.2.1.tar.gz
cd PySide-1.2.1
python3.3 install --qmake=/usr/bin/qmake-qt4

Using the Lift

  1. Start Morse with all floors of the CS building:
roslaunch strands_morse bham_cs_morse.launch env:=cs
  1. Start the 'Lift Controller' - a small program that maintains a queue of lift calls and commands through ROS, and passes them on to Morse.
rosrun strands_morse
  1. Launch the control interface
rosrun strands_morse

The control GUI allows you to

  • Hide / Show different floors of the building - Top row of buttons
  • Call the lift to a floor (ie. press the button outside the lift) - Second row of buttons
  • Command the lift to a floor (ie. press a button inside the lift) - Bottom row of buttons.

How the Lift works

The lift acts as a "robot" within the environment, with morse.core.actuator.Actuators to control the doors and the lift platform. These actuators provide services to open and close doors, and to move the lift platform between floors, exposed as Morse RPC functions using the basic morse socketstream 'middleware'.

The 'Lift Controller' uses the morse middleware through the pymorse library to command the lift between floors. It receives floor requests through ROS topics, subscribing to:

/lift_sim/[command|call]floor : std_messages/Bool

where floor is [B|G|1|2]. For example, /lift_sim/callG.

The topics correspond to a user pressing the "call" button on the outside of the lift on floor, or the "command" button on the inside of the lift to got to "floor".

The controller maintains a simple queue and moves the lift in the order requested, and waits a minimum of 8 seconds before closing the door between floor visits.