Start redis:
Run the server as root:
sudo node app.js
Then access the bookmarklet page at localhost.
There is a var host
in public/index.html, public/modalForm.js, and app.js. Switch these if you are running locally or on AppFog.
To access the redis instance on AppFog:
af tunnel stucco-redis
Note, the server will not work with https pages unless you have server.crt, server.csr, and server.key in the ssl/ directory. See ssl/ for info on how to generate these keys.
All submissions from the bookmarklet contains the following variables:
- url: the page you were looking at when you launched the bookmarklet
- relevance (1-5): how relevant the page's security information is to your network
- concept: the security concept (e.g. attacker, malware) involved
- credibility (1-5): how credible the source is (in your opinion)
- userid: an md5 hash of your email (created when you install the bookmarklet)
- postId: a unique id for each submission