Simple and lightweight alternative to react-router
// Main routes file: routes.js
import user from 'modules/user/routes';
import catalog from 'modules/catalog/routes';
export default {
// Module route file: modules/user/routes.js
import * as Handlers from './handlers';
import { AppBase } from 'app';
export default {
UserList: {path: '/user/list', component: Handlers.List, wrapper: AppBase},
UserView: {path: '/user/:user_id', component: Handlers.View, wrapper: AppBase}
// index file
import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { createHistory, useBasename } from 'history'
import routes from './routes';
// Redux store, optional
import store from './store';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
// Example for historyCallback
import * as actions from 'modules/core/actions/core';
const history = useBasename(createHistory)({
basename: '/'
<Provider store={store}>
historyCallback={() => {
// do something when route changed
// Example:
notFound={notFound} // optional 404 handler, can be null
), document.getElementById('app'));
Build url:
import { Link } from 'react-easy-router';
<Link to="UserView" params={{user_id: 1}} className="user-link" {...props}>Text</Link>
Specify url-pattern options for URL matching:
// Module route file: modules/user/routes.js
import * as Handlers from './handlers';
import { AppBase } from 'app';
export default {
// Recognizes /user/ada.lovelace
UserView: {path: '/user/:name', options: {segmentValueCharset: '.a-z'},
component: Handlers.View, wrapper: AppBase},