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Slide Menu

ℹ️ This project is a fork from See Original Demo

A library agnostic, dependency free multilevel page menu with a smooth slide effect based on CSS transitions and various options. Allows foldable submenu structures for desktop views.


npm install smdm-slide-menu

You can include smdm-slide-menu as standalone script or as a module.

Option 1 (Module)

import {SlideMenu} from 'smdm-slide-menu';
// You can use smdm-slide-menu here right away
const menuElement = document.getElementById('example-menu');
const menu = new SlideMenu(menuElement);

Also make sure to include the css like import 'smdm-slide-menu/dist/slide-menu.css'

Option 2 (Standalone Script)

Use import 'smdm-slide-menu/dist/slide-menu.js' and import 'smdm-slide-menu/dist/slide-menu.css' in your bundler or build system of choice or use a 1998 <script> and <link> tag to load the menu anywhere in your HTML document. The SlideMenu class will be available in the global namespace (window.SlideMenu) as soon as the "sm.ready" Event has been fired.

const initSlideMenu = () => {
  const menuElement = document.getElementById('example-menu');
  const menu = new SlideMenu(menuElement);

if(window.SlideMenu) {
} else {
  window.addEventListener("sm.ready", initSlideMenu);


All you need is the traditional menu HTML markup and a wrapper with the class slide-menu. Menus can be nested endlessly to create the desired hierarchy. If you wish to programmatically control the menu, you should also set IDs to be able to use the API (see below).


<button class="slide-menu__control" data-target="example-menu" data-action="open">Open menu</button>

<nav class="slide-menu" id="example-menu">
      <a href="/">Home</a>
        <li><a href="#">Submenu entry 1</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Submenu entry 2</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Submenu entry 3</a></li>
      <a href="/blog">Blog</a>
      <a href="/about">About</a>


The SlideMenu() constructor takes an optional second parameter to pass in various options:

Option Description Valid values Default
backLinkAfter HTML to append to back link in submenus HTML string ''
backLinkBefore HTML to prepend to back link in submenus HTML string ''
keyClose Key used to close the menu Any valid KeyboardEvent key 'Escape'
keyOpen Key used to open the menu Any valid KeyboardEvent key undefined
position Position of the menu 'left' or 'right' 'right'
showBackLink automatically add a link to navigate back in submenus (first entry) boolean true
navigationButtons automatically add navigation buttons for submenus / HTML to add inside the navigation buttons πŸ’‘keeps already provided navigation buttons (with class slide-menu__navigator) in the markup boolean / HTML string false
navigationButtonsLabel Aria-Label for the navigation buttons string 'Open submenu: '
closeOnClickOutside Menu closes when clicked outside menu element boolean false
menuWidth Width of the menu slider in pixel (without fold) number 320
minWidthFold Minimum window width in pixel for fold menu to be shown as fold not as slide number 640
transitionDuration Duration of slide animation in milliseconds number 300
dynamicOpenDefault Dynamically determine the default menu that will be opened based on current location.pathname and location.hash boolean false
debug Shows verbose logs / warnings boolean false


const initSlideMenu = () => {
  const menu = new SlideMenu(document.getElementById('example-menu'),{
      showBackLink: false,
      navigationButtons: '<strong>β‡’</strong>',


You can call the API in two different ways:

  • Reuse the reference to the SlideMenu instance:

    const menu = new SlideMenu(document.getElementById('example-menu'));
    // ... later
  • The SlideMenu instance is also added as property of the menu DOM element. So if you need to control an existing menu without a reference to it, you can fetch it any time this way:

    const menu = document.getElementById('example-menu')._slideMenu;;

Methods / Actions

  • close(animate = true) - Close the menu
  • back(closeFold = false) - Navigate on level back if possible. Additionally closes fold
  • navigateTo(target) Open the menu level which contains specified menu element. target can either be a document.querySelector compatible string selector or the the DOM element (inside the menu). The first found element (if any) will be used.
  • show(animate = true) - Shows the menu if closed
  • open(animate = true) - Opens the menu if closed an potentially navigates to target
    • If attribute data-open-default="..." is provided in the root menu element the menu will navigate to that target per default. Target must be a document.querySelector compatible string
    • If option dynamicOpenDefault is true opens submenu matching the currently active slug or hash in the browser URL (e.g. if you are on the page slide menu will try to open the submenu of the item <a href="/about">About</a> or open the submenu containing it)
  • toggle(animate = true) - Toggle the menu (if defined opens the data-open-default="..." / dynamicOpenDefault by default)


For initializing SlideMenu, as soon as the SlideMenu class can be used globally the event sm.ready is fired on the window object.

SlideMenu emits events for all kind of actions, which trigger as soon as the action is method is called. Plus, all events have also an <event>-after equivalent, which is fired after the step is complete (completely animated).

  • sm.back[-after] fires immediately when navigating backwards in the menu hierarchy or after the animation is complete respectively.
  • sm.close[-after] fires immediately when the close() method is called or after the animation is complete respectively.
  • sm.forward[-after]fires immediately when navigating forward in the menu hierarchy or after the animation is complete respectively.
  • sm.navigate[-after]fires immediately when calling the navigateTo() method or after the animation is complete respectively.
  •[-after] fires immediately when the open() method is called or after the animation is complete respectively.
  • sm.init fires when the slide menu object is finished initializing.

Make sure to add the event listener to the HTML element, which contains the menu, since the events for this specific menu are dispatched there:

const initSlideMenu = () => {
  const menuElement = document.getElementById('example-menu');
  const menu = new SlideMenu(menuElement);

  // Attach the event listener to the *DOM element*, not the SlideMenu instance
  menuElement.addEventListener('', function () {
    console.log('The menu opens');

  menuElement.addEventListener('', function () {
    console.log('The menu has opened');

if(window.SlideMenu) {
} else {
  window.addEventListener("sm.ready", function () {

Define default submenu

To open a specific submenu with the open or toggle action you can give the slide menu element the attribute data-open-default and pass the id, href or a css selector for the desired target submenu item. Example:

<nav class="slide-menu" id="example-menu" data-open-default="default-submenu">
      <a href="/blog">Blog</a>
      <a id="default-submenu" href="/submenu">Submenu</a>
        <!-- this submenu wil be opened as default -->
        <li><a href="#">Submenu entry 1</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Submenu entry 2</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Submenu entry 3</a></li>
      <a href="/about">About</a>

Menu Overlay

To add an overlay over the screen while the menu is open add an element with class="slide-menu__overlay" before the slide menu. It uses --smdm-sm-color-overlay as default color which can be adjusted as needed.

<div class="slide-menu__overlay">
<nav class="slide-menu" id="example-menu">

Control buttons

Buttons to control the menu can be created easily. Add the class slide-menu__control to anchors or buttons and set the data attributes target to the ID of the desired menu and action to the API method:

<button type="button" class="slide-menu__control" data-target="example-menu" data-action="open">Open</button>
<button type="button" class="slide-menu__control" data-target="example-menu" data-action="close" data-arg="close-fold">Close</button>
<button type="button" class="slide-menu__control" data-target="example-menu" data-action="back">Back</button>
<button type="button" class="slide-menu__control" data-target="example-menu" data-action="toggle">Toggle</button>
<button type="button" class="slide-menu__control" data-target="example-menu" data-action="navigateTo" data-arg="blog">Navigate to #blog</button>

Inside the menu container the attribute data-target can be omitted or set to to the string this to control this menu.

<a class="slide-menu-control" data-target="example-menu" data-action="close">Close this menu</a>
<a class="slide-menu-control" data-target="this" data-action="close">Close this menu</a>
<a class="slide-menu-control" data-action="close">Close this menu</a>

Navigation Buttons

To create navigation buttons that navigate between submenus buttons with the class slide-menu__navigator can be added. The navigation buttons can be generated automatically by using the navigationButtons configuration option. The buttons can also be added manually in the HTML structure like so:

new SlideMenu(document.getElementById('example-menu'), {
  navigationButtons: true

// or with JS defined HTML markup inside

new SlideMenu(document.getElementById('example-menu'), {
  navigationButtons: '<strong>β‡’</strong>'


<nav class="slide-menu" id="example-menu">
      <a href="#">Submenu entry 1</a>
      <!-- navigation buttons already procided in HTML will be used and not overwritten -->
      <button class="slide-menu__navigator">Next (Open Submenu)</button>

Menu Title

A dynamic menu title slide-menu__title can optionally be added anywhere in the menu structure (e.g. within slide-menu__controls). The title will be updated dynamically according to the current menu level.

<nav class="slide-menu" id="test-menu-left">
  <div class="slide-menu__controls">
    <div class="slide-menu__title">Submenu Title</div>

Foldable Submenus

Foldable submenus can be created using the class slide-menu__item--has-foldable-submenu on the item that precedes the submenu.

  <a class="slide-menu__item--has-foldable-submenu" href="#"><span>Foldable Submenu</span></a>
    ...foldable submenu items go here...

Foldable Submenus will only fold open if the window width is bigger than the configured minWidthFold.

Additonal Content within the Menu

Any arbitrary additonal content (e.g. search input fields, detail info, images,...) can be inserted anywhere in the menu structure. The class slide-menu--additional-content provides standard padding like it is used for the menu items. Example:

<nav class="slide-menu" id="test-menu-left">
  <div class="slide-menu__controls">
  <div class="slide-menu--additional-content">
    <img src="" alt="Studiomitte Logo">
    <p>Some detail text</p>
      <div class="slide-menu--additional-content">
        <p>Some more additional content</p>

Close Menu Links in the End of Submenus

To add Links for closing the menu in the end of Submenus for convenient keyboard navigation you can add additional navigation items in the HTML with class="slide-menu__control" and a data-action="close" like the following example:

  <li>...Menu item 1...</li>
  <li>...Menu item 2...</li>
    <div class="slide-menu--additional-content">
      <button data-action="close" class="slide-menu__control">X Close</button>

Manually created Backlinks in Submenus

If you want to insert backlinks manually like in the following example use the attribute data-action="back" on them. Additonally, use the attribute data-arg="close-fold" on the backlink, if you intend to close all the currently open foldable submenus.

    <div class="slide-menu--additional-content">
      <button data-action="back" class="slide-menu__control">πŸ”™ Backlink</button>
  <li>...Menu item 1...</li>
  <li>...Menu item 2...</li>

πŸ’‘ Backlinks can also be generated automatically with the option showBackLink and the contents backLinkAfter / backLinkBefore.

Styling the Menu

Basic Styling is provided by slide-menu. To adjust it to your theme select the elements by the classes slide menu applies to the elements.

The following default CSS variables can be overwritten as needed:

:root {
  --smdm-sm-transition-easing: ease-in-out;
  --smdm-sm-color-bg: rgb(10 10 9);
  --smdm-sm-color-text: rgb(238 237 235);
  --smdm-sm-color-icon: rgb(238 237 235);
  --smdm-sm-color-active: rgb(32 31 29);
  --smdm-sm-color-hover: rgb(20 20 19);
  --smdm-sm-color-controls: rgb(20 20 19);
  --smdm-sm-color-overlay: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
  --smdm-sm-item-padding: 0.9rem 1.5rem;


# if using with ddev first do
sudo chmod -R 777 .
ddev start
ddev ssh -s frontend
# then open

# for development run
npm install
npm run watch

# run e2e tests locally (run command outside of DDEV container)
npm run test


Create a production build for release:

# outside of ddev container
npm run build
# or
npm run pre-version # includes linting & checks

Publish Package Release

npm login

npm run version-patch # increments & commits patch version number
# or
npm run version-minor # increments & commits minor version number

# commit changes

npm run publish-version

Testing Package - Install locally

Test package in a project and install it locally:

npm install path/to/my-package

Testing Package - Install through NPM

Install package through npm package registry:

npm install smdm-slide-menu@latest


A multilevel page menu with a smooth slide effect







No packages published


  • HTML 41.1%
  • JavaScript 28.6%
  • TypeScript 24.4%
  • SCSS 5.9%