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Geremia Taglialatela edited this page Oct 25, 2013 · 17 revisions

Some icons don't show up

  1. You don't have an old version of Font Awesome installed on your system (it has priority);
  2. Both your font-awesome.css file and your /font//fonts folder are up to date (if you are serving Font Awesome from your own server);
  3. Your css link is up to date (if you are serving Font Awesome from a CDN) (Refers to #1490);
  4. You are not using plugins that load an older/modified version of Font Awesome (Refers to 1546);
  5. You are using valid HTML5 templates.

Phonegap / Android (icons in Heading tags)

Icons doesn't show up in tags with text-rendering: optimizeLegibility. According to your Font Awesome version, please add to your stylesheets:

/* FA 3.2.1 and older */
[class*=" icon-"]  {
  text-rendering: auto;

/* FA 4.0.0 and newer */
.fa {
  text-rendering: auto;

(more info on #862)

Small caps

If you are using font-variant: small-caps;, according to your Font Awesome version, please add to your stylesheets:

/* FA 3.2.1 and older */
[class*=" icon-"] {
  font-variant: normal;

/* FA 4.0.0 and newer */
.fa {
  font-variant: normal;

(more info on #2171)


According to your Font Awesome version, please add to your stylesheets:

/* FA 3.2.1 and older */
.reveal [class^="icon-"],
.reveal [class*=" icon-"]  {
  font-family: 'FontAwesome';

/* FA 4.0.0 and newer */
.reveal .fa {
  font-family: 'FontAwesome';

(more info on #2131)