Fork of
ASCII TABLE is a simple framework for generating ASCII tables printable in console and JSPs. It also provides enhanced APIs to get table buffer which can be rendered in Web pages.
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
compile 'com.bethecoder:ascii_table:1.0-SNAPSHOT'
String [] header = { "User Name",
"Salary", "Designation",
"Address", "Lucky#"
String[][] data = {
{ "Ram", "2000", "Manager", "#99, Silk board", "1111" },
{ "Sri", "12000", "Developer", "BTM Layout", "22222" },
{ "Prasad", "42000", "Lead", "#66, Viaya Bank Layout", "333333" },
{ "Anu", "132000", "QA", "#22, Vizag", "4444444" },
{ "Sai", "62000", "Developer", "#3-3, Kakinada" },
{ "Venkat", "2000", "Manager" },
{ "Raj", "62000"},
{ "BTC"},
ASCIITable.getInstance().printTable(header, data);
It prints the following table in the console.
| User Name | Salary | Designation | Address | Lucky# |
| Ram | 2000 | Manager | #99, Silk board | 1111 |
| Sri | 12000 | Developer | BTM Layout | 22222 |
| Prasad | 42000 | Lead | #66, Viaya Bank Layout | 333333 |
| Anu | 132000 | QA | #22, Vizag | 4444444 |
| Sai | 62000 | Developer | #3-3, Kakinada | |
| Venkat | 2000 | Manager | | |
| Raj | 62000 | | | |
| BTC | | | | |
ASCIITableHeader[] headerObjs = {
new ASCIITableHeader("User Name", ASCIITable.ALIGN_LEFT),
new ASCIITableHeader("Salary"),
new ASCIITableHeader("Designation", ASCIITable.ALIGN_CENTER),
new ASCIITableHeader("Address", ASCIITable.ALIGN_LEFT),
new ASCIITableHeader("Lucky#", ASCIITable.ALIGN_RIGHT),
String[][] data = {
{ "Ram", "2000", "Manager", "#99, Silk board", "1111" },
{ "Sri", "12000", "Developer", "BTM Layout", "22222" },
{ "Prasad", "42000", "Lead", "#66, Viaya Bank Layout", "333333" },
{ "Anu", "132000", "QA", "#22, Vizag", "4444444" },
{ "Sai", "62000", "Developer", "#3-3, Kakinada" },
{ "Venkat", "2000", "Manager" },
{ "Raj", "62000"},
{ "BTC"},
ASCIITable.getInstance().printTable(headerObjs, data);
It prints the following table in the console.
| User Name | Salary | Designation | Address | Lucky# |
| Ram | 2000 | Manager | #99, Silk board | 1111 |
| Sri | 12000 | Developer | BTM Layout | 22222 |
| Prasad | 42000 | Lead | #66, Viaya Bank Layout | 333333 |
| Anu | 132000 | QA | #22, Vizag | 4444444 |
| Sai | 62000 | Developer | #3-3, Kakinada | |
| Venkat | 2000 | Manager | | |
| Raj | 62000 | | | |
| BTC | | | | |
The following example shows rendering the ASCII Table in JSP using JSP Scriptlet.
String [] header = { "User Name",
"Salary", "Designation",
"Address", "Lucky#"
String[][] data = {
{ "Ram", "2000", "Manager", "#99, Silk board", "1111" },
{ "Sri", "12000", "Developer", "BTM Layout", "22222" },
{ "Prasad", "42000", "Lead", "#66, Viaya Bank Layout", "333333" },
{ "Anu", "132000", "QA", "#22, Vizag", "4444444" },
{ "Sai", "62000", "Developer", "#3-3, Kakinada" },
{ "Venkat", "2000", "Manager" },
{ "Raj", "62000"},
{ "BTC"},
<pre><%=ASCIITable.getInstance().getTable(header, data)%></pre>
| User Name | Salary | Designation | Address | Lucky# |
| Ram | 2000 | Manager | #99, Silk board | 1111 |
| Sri | 12000 | Developer | BTM Layout | 22222 |
| Prasad | 42000 | Lead | #66, Viaya Bank Layout | 333333 |
| Anu | 132000 | QA | #22, Vizag | 4444444 |
| Sai | 62000 | Developer | #3-3, Kakinada | |
| Venkat | 2000 | Manager | | |
| Raj | 62000 | | | |
| BTC | | | | |
The following example shows rendering the ASCII Table from database. It uses H2 database for getting BUG_STAT, USER table contents.
//Need to have h2-1.3.160.jar in classpath.
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/~/test", "sa", "");
//Print BUG_STAT table
IASCIITableAware asciiTableAware = new JDBCASCIITableAware(
conn, "select STATUS, COUNT from BUG_STAT");
//Print USER table
asciiTableAware = new JDBCASCIITableAware(
conn, "select * from USER");
It prints the following tables in the console.
| NEW | 8 |
| ASSIGNED | 12 |
| RESOLVED | 16 |
| REOPEN | 2 |
| VERIFIED | 16 |
| CLOSED | 6 |
| 1 | Sriram | 2 | 20,000,000 |
| 2 | Anu | 28 | 4,800,000 |
| 3 | Sudhakar | 29 | 19,800,000 |
| 4 | Charan | 3 | 10,000,000 |
| 5 | Bunny | 2 | 16,000,000 |
The following example shows rendering the ASCII Table from list of java beans.
Employee stud = new Employee("Sriram", 2, "Chess", false, 987654321.21d);
Employee stud2 = new Employee("Sudhakar", 29, "Painting", true, 123456789.12d);
List<Employee> students = Arrays.asList(stud, stud2);
IASCIITableAware asciiTableAware =
new CollectionASCIITableAware<Employee>(students,
//properties to read
"name", "age", "married", "hobby", "salary");
asciiTableAware =
new CollectionASCIITableAware<Employee>(students,
//properties to read
Arrays.asList("name", "age", "married", "hobby", "salary"),
Arrays.asList("STUDENT_NAME", "HIS_AGE")); //custom headers
It prints the following tables in the console.
| Sriram | 2 | false | Chess | 987,654,321.21 |
| Sudhakar | 29 | true | Painting | 123,456,789.12 |
| Sriram | 2 | false | Chess | 987,654,321.21 |
| Sudhakar | 29 | true | Painting | 123,456,789.12 |
LinkedHashMap<String,String> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
map.put("Key", "Value");
map.put("id", "666");
map.put("title", "Ascii Table");
| Key | Value |
| id | 666 |
| title | Ascii Table |
LinkedHashMap<String,String> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
map.put("aa", "123");
map.put("bb", "456");
ASCIITable.getInstance().printTable(new String[]{"Key", "Value"}, map);
| Key | Value |
| aa | 123 |
| bb | 456 |
LinkedHashMap<String,String> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
map.put("aa", "123");
map.put("bb", "456");
String t1 = ASCIITable.getInstance().getTable(new String[]{"Key", "Value"}, map);
map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
map.put("aa", "123");
String t2 = ASCIITable.getInstance().getTable(new String[]{"Key", "Value"}, map);
ASCIITable.getInstance().printInlineString(t1,t2, " ");
+-----+-------+ +-----+-------+
| Key | Value | | Key | Value |
+-----+-------+ +-----+-------+
| aa | 123 | | aa | 123 |
| bb | 456 | +-----+-------+
LinkedHashMap<String,String> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
map.put("aa", "123");
map.put("bb", "456");
ASCIITable.getInstance().printTable("Header", map);
| Header |
| aa | 123 |
| bb | 456 |
String [] header = { "User Name", "Salary"};
String[][] data = {
{ "Ram", "2000" },
{ "Sri", "12000" },
String t = ASCIITable.getInstance().getTable(header, data);
System.out.println(ASCIITable.getInstance().addFullHeader("New header", t));
| New header |
| User Name | Salary |
| Ram | 2000 |
| Sri | 12000 |
System.out.println(ASCIITable.getInstance().replaceToFullHeader("New header", t));
| New header |
| Ram | 2000 |
| Sri | 12000 |