A socket based chatting application for PCs
- Maven framework is used.
- It is strongly recommended that you use an IDE that supports the maven framework (eg - Eclipse, IntellIJ, etc).
- Once that's figured out, clone the repository into your IDE directly using the repo link.
- This project utilizes JavaFX to support the GUI.
- For the JavaFX support, download the latest JavaFX library from https://gluonhq.com/products/javafx/
- Once done downloading, head over to the download directory and extract the files into some place safe (C:\Program Files\Java or /home/user/.jdks)
- From the IDE, import all the jars into the project build path and build the project.
- If you encounter any error (like pipeline not found), then use '--module-path /path/to/javafx/lib --add-module javafx.base,javafx.controls,javafx.fxml' to the vm options of the Main.java file from 'Run Configuration' settings.
- That should get you set up. In case you still face some error, contact me or visit www.stackoverflow.com
- Configure the .gitignore file to include all the IDE specific setting so that they don't get uploaded to the repo when you push.
- Happy Coding!