Typo3-Plugin for the Hamburg Open Science OAI Dashboard
The extension can be installed like any other extension of TYPO3, either via direct uploading in the Extension-Mananger or via composer mode. The directory name has to be subhh_oa_dashboard.
Go Module WEB > Template:
Edit the whole template Record:
Go to tab includes and add the static template:
Go to module ADMIN TOOLS > Settings:
Click on "Configure Extensions" and choose "subhh_oa_dashboard > Rest api host":
Edit the REST API host:
For proper responsive behavior, the viewport meta tag must be included.
To do this, add the following entry to the Typoscript site template:
page.meta.viewport = width = device-width, initial-scale = 1.0
There are 2 plugins you need to add to the page where the repository data should be displayed:
HOS OA Dashboard - Repository List: Shows a scrollable menue containing a list of all available repositories.
HOS OA Dashboard - Repository Details: Displays the data charts of the currently selected repository.