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Rich Presence for Defold games on Discord

Getting started

The minimum you should do is initialize the module, then call update_presence() whenever you want to change the user's Defold status. This discord_client_id must be set as a string, like: "8674360155089048561"

  status = "My status",
  details = "Doing something important in-game",

Running in the editor

The game will bundle fine, but in order for DiscordRich to be available when running from the editor, an extra step is required.

Copy the discordrich/res directory from this repo to a directory in your project and add the path to that directory to your game.project:

lib_path = path/to/discordrich/res

API Reference

This module should have 1-to-1 bindings to the official C Discord RPC. All identifiers have been converted to snake_case.

Read the official How To Guide to understand how to use these APIs.

discordrich.initialize(application_id, handlers, auto_register, optional_steam_id)

Initializes Discord RPC.

  • application_id: Your client_id/application_id
  • handlers: Optional. A table of callback functions you registered for each Discord event
  • auto_register: Optional. Default true. Whether or not to register an application protocol for your game on the player's computer. Necessary to launch games from Discord
  • optional_steam_id: Optional. Your game's Steam application id, if your game is distributed on Steam. Used for launching your game through Steam if auto_register is true.


Shuts down the Discord RPC connection. There's no need to call this manually. It will get called automatically, if needed, when the game exits.


Sets your Discord presence. See the available fields in the official documentation. The fields have been renamed to conform to snake_case. (eg. largeImageText -> large_image_text)


Clears your Discord presence.

The handlers table of callbacks

All of the following callbacks are optional:


Called when the game successfully connects to the Discord client. user is a table describing the currently logged in user:

  user_id = "123456789012345678",
  username = "AwesomeGamer",
  avatar = "0123456789abcdef01234567890abcde",
  discriminator = "1234"

handlers.disconnected(errcode, message)

Called when the game disconnects from the Discord client. A numeric errcode and a string message are provided describing the reason.

handlers.errored(errcode, message)

Called when the Discord RPC API raises an error. A numeric errcode and a string message are provided describing the error.


Called when the game launches as a result of the user clicking "Join" on another player's invitation. join_secret is the string provided to discordrich.update_presence() by the inviting player's game.


Called when the game launches as a result of the user clicking "Spectate" on another player's invitation. spectate_secret is the string provided to discordrich.update_presence() by the inviting player's game.


Called when another user clicks "Ask to Join" on the current user's profile. This is when your game should ask the user if he wants to accept the request and then call discordrich.respond() with the user's answer.

The user table has the same shape as the one provided by handlers.ready().

discordrich.respond(user_id, answer)

Respond to a join request issued by the user identified by user_id. answer must be one of:

  • discordrich.REPLY_NO
  • discordrich.REPLY_YES
  • discordrich.REPLY_IGNORE


Change the handlers callbacks with different ones.

discordrich.register(application_id, command)

Register the game's application protocol manually (auto_register does this automatically for you).

discordrich.register_steam(application_id, steam_id)

Register the game's application protocol manually to launch the game through Steam. (auto_register does this automatically for you).


Rich Presence for Defold games on Discord







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