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post |
Welcome to Azure Tips and Tricks, this site is a special collection of over 180+ tips, videos, conference talks, and 2 eBooks that span the entire universe of the Azure platform. The tips you'll find here are based on real-world scenarios that the community has encountered while using Azure. Feel free to jump in and come back weekly for new tips! - Michael Crump (@mbcrump)
Resouce | Description |
Home | This site can always be found at http://azuredev.tips |
Videos | Our growing playlist of 50+ videos based on the series |
eBook Vol 1 and eBook Vol 2 | We have two volumes of Azure Tips and Tricks in an eBook format based on the best tips of all time |
Questions | Add to the GitHub issue tracker and tag it as a question |
RSS Feed | Keep up to date with all the newest tips posted by subscribing to the RSS feed |
Stickers | Feel free to print any of these stickers for your events and community meetups |
Survey | Have an idea for a post? Do you have feedback? Leave it here |
Contribute and star the repo | Something out of date? Is something wrong? Then submit a PR and help me fix it. Also, star the repo to keep up to date with the project. |
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