This software repository contains an implementation of the Dijkstra's algorithm for solving the single-source shortest path problem in edge-weighted graphs. The software is written in C programming language. The accompanying software also contain a graph generator which is capable of generating regular, powerlaw and clique graphs.
The source code is configured for a gcc build for Intel microarchitectures. Other builds are possible but require manual configuration of the 'Makefile'.
The source code is subject to MIT license, see 'LICENSE' for details.
Use GNU make to build the software.
Our implementation makes use of preprocessor directives to enable conditional compilation to enable resource tracking (memory bandwidth). Use 'TRACK_RESOURCES' compilation flag to enable resource tracking.
Check 'Makefile' for building the software.
./shortest-path -in input-file -src source -dst destination
-in : input file in DIMACS format
reads from standard input if the argument is not specified
-src : source vertex
-dst : destination vertex
-1, to report shortest path to all vertices
Example output:
./shortest-path -in -src 1 -dst 5
[source: 1] [destination: 5] [cost: 24]
E 5 2
E 2 10
E 10 9
E 9 1
The implementation accepts input graphs in DIMACS format. An example graph input is specified below.
section graph
nodes 10
edges 10
e 2 5 9
e 3 6 3
e 4 7 9
e 9 10 8
e 3 7 2
e 1 8 9
e 2 10 1
e 4 8 4
e 5 6 7
e 1 9 6
The implementation can find a shortest path in a 20-regular one-million vertex edge-weighted graph (ten million edges) in less than one second using a single core of an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7660U CPU @ 2.50GHz processor and 16GiB of main memory (An Apple macbook pro laptop). For dense graphs the performance is even better, for example it takes less than 70 milliseconds to find a shortest path in a two-thousand-regular ten-thousand vertex edge-weighted graph (ten million edges). The graph preprocessing time (graph read and initialisation) is less than ten seconds.
$ ../graph-gen/graph-gen regular 1000000 20 100 1234 | ./shortest-path-perf -src 1 -dst 100
invoked as: ../graph-gen/graph-gen regular 1000000 20 100 1234
invoked as: ./shortest-path-perf -src 1 -dst 100
Input file not specified, redirecting to standard input stream
gen-unique [regular]: n = 1000000, m = 10000000, seed = 1234
input: n = 1000000, m = 10000000 [8126.07ms] {peak: 0.22GiB} {curr: 0.15GiB}
root build: [zero: 0.15ms] [pos: 58.55ms] [adj: 1984.37ms] done. [2043.12ms] {peak: 0.31GiB} {curr: 0.31GiB}
dijkstra: [init: 11.61ms] [visit: 962.51ms] [950.89ms]
tracepath: [source: 1] [destination: 100] [cost: 69]
E 100 704842
E 704842 113871
E 113871 353568
E 353568 977365
E 977365 589807
E 589807 486424
E 486424 188775
E 188775 565251
E 565251 1
dijkstra-query: [query: 962.82ms 0.74GiB/s] [trace: 0.03ms] [962.86ms] {peak: 0.18GiB} {curr: 0.18GiB}
grand total [11145.96ms] {peak: 0.31GiB}
host: maagha
build: single thread, binary heap
compiler: gcc 7.3.0
$ ../graph-gen/graph-gen regular 10000 2000 100 1234 | ./shortest-path-perf -src 1 -dst 100
invoked as: ../graph-gen/graph-gen regular 10000 2000 100 1234
invoked as: ./shortest-path-perf -src 1 -dst 100
Input file not specified, redirecting to standard input stream
gen-unique [regular]: n = 10000, m = 10000000, seed = 1234
input: n = 10000, m = 10000000 [7275.85ms] {peak: 0.22GiB} {curr: 0.15GiB}
root build: [zero: 0.01ms] [pos: 12.18ms] [adj: 620.70ms] done. [632.92ms] {peak: 0.30GiB} {curr: 0.30GiB}
dijkstra: [init: 0.11ms] [visit: 67.21ms] [67.09ms]
tracepath: [source: 1] [destination: 100] [cost: 3]
E 100 4846
E 4846 3608
E 3608 1
dijkstra-query: [query: 67.22ms 3.37GiB/s] [trace: 0.03ms] [67.26ms] {peak: 0.15GiB} {curr: 0.15GiB}
grand total [7988.76ms] {peak: 0.30GiB}
host: maagha
build: single thread, binary heap
compiler: gcc 7.3.0
For bug fixes and support, mail me at [email protected]
We encourage you to cite our work if you find this implementation useful. You can use the following bibtex:
title={Scalable Parameterised Algorithms for two Steiner Problems},
author={Thejaswi, Suhas},
pages={104 + 8},