- Admin account can be created using createsuperuser command.
- After login, admin can view/update/delete customer
- Can view/add/update/delete policy category like Life, Health, Motor, Travel
- Can view/add/update/delete policy
- Can view total policy holder, approved policy holder, disapproved policy holder
- Can approve policy, applied by customer
- Can answer customer question
- Create account (no approval required by admin)
- After login, can view all policy that are added by admin.
- If customer likes any policy, then they can apply for it.
- When customer will apply for any policy, it will go into pending status, admin can approve it.
- Customer can check status of his policy under history section
- Customer can ask question from admin.
- Install Python(3.7.6) (Dont Forget to Tick Add to Path while installing Python)
- Open Terminal and Execute Following Commands :
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Download This Project Zip Folder and Extract it
- Move to project folder in Terminal. Then run following Commands :
py manage.py makemigrations
py manage.py migrate
py manage.py runserver
- Now enter following URL in Your Browser Installed On Your Pc
- In settins.py file, You have to give your email and password
EMAIL_HOST_USER = '[email protected]'
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'your email password'
EMAIL_RECEIVING_USER = '[email protected]'
- Login to gmail through host email id in your browser and open following link and turn it ON
This project is developed for demo purpose and it's not supposed to be used in real application.
Any suggestion and feedback is welcome. You can message me on facebook