This is the repository for the OpenStreetMap US project for the 2020 edition of the Azavea Summer of Maps Fellowship.
SDG Methodology.html: Summarizes the methodologies used to calculate the SDG indicators.
OSM QGIS tutorial.html: The tutorial for downloading, manipulating, and mapping OSM data in QGIS. Also available on TeachOSM.
All scripts can be run in the order that they are numbered.
00 - Admin.R: Load packages and define filepath for Dropbox data. Run this whenever starting an analysis task.
01 - Utility Functions.R: Any functions written in this project will be saved here.
1_.R: Read in or collect raw data
2_.R: Clean data for analysis
3_.R: Analysis
4_.R: Plots
Downloaded GTFS csvs
All intermediate objects are saved as .rds
and are saved using the following format.
Format: /~outputs/[scriptRange]/[script#]_[objectName].rds
Example: /~outputs/10/11_BGs.rds
is object BGs
produced in script `11 - Read Census data.R.