App deployed on Heroku
Author: Ben Basuni
Key Question: Can we use historic NBA data and machine learning to predict a team's total points for that game?
Deployment: I've built a very simple machine learning model that demonstrates what I've learned in this bootcamp. It's a very simple Machine Learning model that
Background: NBA games produce a wide array of statistical data to be analyzed.
We will be using this data to take a statistical viewpoint of an NBA team and how many points a team will make. -
Datasets & Input:
Solution Statement: The problem to predict the total points in a game given other features is a regression problem. We will take existing data and input, and do some data manipulation and see if we can come up with statistical data that . This mimicks an NBA Sports Analysis that heavily uses statistics to cast his vote.
Benchmark Model: Default SciKit-Learn Logistic Regression, RandomForestRegressor, and a Neural Network will be used as a benchmark/baseline. Several models will then be explored to improve over the benchmark including other ensemble and tree-based models, Support-Vector Machines (SVM), XGBoost.
Evaluation Metrics: R-squared and RMSE will be used for the regression part of the model
- assets - neural networking models
- nba-dataset - csv files that are used
- static - Images/CSS/JS files
- templates - flask html files
- ipynb - Jupyter notebooks that I worked on in Kaggle to help support my project
pip3 install -r requirements.txt