Machine learning of the thermodynamic properties of molecular liquids
This is the enhanced version of our previously published work
Predicting Thermodynamic Properties of Alkanes by High-throughput Force Field Simulation and Machine Learning
Create ml environment
conda create -n ml
Activate ml environment
source activate ml
Add tsinghua pytorch mirror
conda config --add channels
conda config --set show_channel_urls yes
Install packages
conda install matplotlib scikit-learn pytorch
conda install -c openbabel openbabel
conda install -c rdkit rdkit
Following is an example of learning critical temperature of hydrocarbon using two simple fingerprints
These scripts are located at directory run
- Activate ml environment
source activate ml
- Calculate fingerprints
./ -i ../data/nist-CH-tc.txt -e morgan1-200,topological-500,simple -o fp
- Split data to train/validate datasets using 5-Fold cross-validation
./ -i ../data/nist-CH-tc.txt -o fp
- Train the model
./ -i ../data/nist-CH-tc.txt -t tc -f fp/fp_morgan1-200,fp/fp_simple -p fp/part-1.txt -o out
- Predict property for new molecules
./ -d out -e predefinedmorgan1-200,simple -i CCCCCC
Note that if you train the model with morgan1 or morgan fingerprint, you should use predefinedmorgan1 or predefinedmorgan to predict
These scripts are located at directory scripts
- Generate similar structures for those molecules which give depressing results (Currently only support hydrocarbon)
../scripts/ out/error-0.1.txt