These are some quick and easy examples on how to use atlas rest Atlas api
Example use case
I want to integrate file repositories like sharepoint, IBM filenet, etc with atlas.
I want atlas to store metadata about where the file exist and the name of the file
Create File Repo type This json file is example on how to create a atlas type called file repo in atlas. This is basically a class in java
Create File Repo Entity
This json file is example on how to create a atlas entity called file repo in atlas.
Entity is a instance of a atlas type (ie file repo). Think of this as instance of a class.
here it is instance of class file repo.
Create Repo File Type This json file is example on how to create a atlas type called repo file in atlas
Create Repo File Entity
This json file is example on how to create a atlas entity called repo file in atlas.
Entity is a instance of a atlas type (ie repo file). Here is where we will put our file
names and the repo which the files exist in. Ie mydata.txt exist in sharepoint
Delete Repo File Entity This json file is example on how to delete a entity