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This is a healthcare call bot that is used to automate the process of calling patients and asking them questions about their visit to the hospital.

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Healthcare Call Bot









This is a CRM call bot that is used to automate the process of calling patients and asking them questions about their visit to the hospital. The bot asks questions from a questionnaire, records the answers, and then sends the data to the hospital's CRM system.

Flow diagram



  • Automated calls to patients

  • Secure retrieval of questionnaire data

  • Dynamic patient information handling with questionnaire

  • Skip logic for questions based on answer history

  • Clever decision making, through prompting, to handle questions can be of various types, providing accurate responses

  • Calls can be ended prematurely with the data being saved for later submission


  1. Account: For version control
  2. Account: For hosting the bot
  3. Account: For creating AI pathways

Local Setup

Important: Make sure to have python 3.11.4 installed with the the Add Python 3.11 to PATH option checked.

  1. Clone the repository

  2. Create a virtual environment by running python -m venv venv

  3. Activate the virtual environment by running

    • On Windows: .\venv\Scripts\activate
    • On MacOS/Linux: source venv/bin/activate
  4. Install the dependencies by running pip install -r requirements.txt

  5. Make sure to create a .env file and add the following variables:

    • SERVICE_BASE_URL -> Base URL of this current call bot service. For local development, it should be http://localhost:8000

    • EMAIL -> Provided by hospital CRM

    • PASSWORD -> Provided by hospital CRM

    • USER_KEY -> Base64 encoded string of your IPV4 address (could be set as a blank string too)

    • BLAND_API_KEY -> API key from the website

    • GSPREAD_SECRET_FILE -> Path to the google service account json file

    • GSPREAD_SHEET_ID -> ID of the google sheet where the data is to be stored

  6. Run the application by running the following command uvicorn app:app --host

NOTE: The API will be able to run and create the pathways but the webhook calls will not work as the webhook URL will be localhost. To test the webhook calls, you will need to deploy the application to a server. For this, you can use (or any other hosting service).

Cloud Deployment (

  1. Register and login to Render (preferrably with Github)

  2. Click on New -> Web Service

  3. Choose the repository

  4. Then, on the normal settings, follow the below steps:

    • Provide a name
    • Choose your region
    • Set the start command as uvicorn app:app --host
    • Set the environment variables:
      • PYTHON_VERSION to "3.11.4"
    • SERVICE_BASE_URL to the base URL of the service (for example,
    • EMAIL to your email which is used on the CRM
    • PASSWORD as the password used on the CRM account
    • USER_KEY as a base64 encoded string of your IPV4 address (could be set as a blank string too)
    • BLAND_API_KEY as the API key obtained from
    • GSPREAD_SECRET_FILE as the path to the google service account json file (see note at the end of this section)
    • GSPREAD_SHEET_ID as the ID of the google sheet where the data is to be stored
  5. In the advanced settings, set the following:

    • Set the Health Check to "/"
    • Choose the auto deploy. If yes, then everytime a commit is pushed, the service will redploy automatically.
  6. Once done, click "Deploy Web Service"

NOTE: The google service account json file is the file that is downloaded from the google cloud console when you create a service account. This file is used to authenticate the google sheets API. Make sure to upload this file to the service and set the path in the environment variables.

See more information on how to create a service account and download the json file here:

API Routes

GET Survey

This endpoint is used to get the survey's metadata i.e. the project information. This endpoint only returns the data for a single project.


surveyor_id (int): The ID of the surveyor who is calling the patient


Entire JSON object that entails all the necessary information about the project

GET Calls

This endpoint is focused on obtaining the patient's information from the CRM system. Every call made to this API endpoint will return the data of a different patient.


project_id (int): The ID of the project's questionnaire surveyor_id (int): The ID of the surveyor who is calling the patient


Entire JSON object that entails all the necessary information about the patient (including data to be used in the survey)

GET Questionnaire

This endpoint is used to get the entire questionnaire for the project. This includes the skip logic, the questions, and the answers.


project_id (int): The ID of the project's questionnaire surveyor_id (int): The ID of the surveyor who is calling the patient


questionnaire (array of objects): Includes each question and its possible answers

logic (array of objects): The skip logic for each question

POST Send Call

The endpoint does the following steps in order:

  • Extracts only the necessary fields from the questionnaire and replaces all the placeholder values with the patient's data

    • question id
    • question text
    • answer
  • Creates and updates the pathway for the project (using the API)

    • Forms all the nodes and edges for every question in the questionnaire
  • Sends a call to the patient, utilizing the newly created pathway for the conversation


quest_data (object): The questionnaire data that is to be sent to the patient. This includes

  • questionnaire
  • logic

caller_data (object): The data of the patient that is to be called. The format of this object is the same as the output of the GET Calls endpoint


message (str): A message that tells the user that the call has been sent

pathway_id (str): The ID of the pathway that was created for the conversation

POST Skip Question

This endpoint is used to determine if the next question in the questionnaire should be asked or not. This is done by checking the history of the patient's answers and the skip logic for the next question.


skip_logic (array of objects): The skip logic for the question answer_history (array of objects): The history of the patient's answers question_id (int): The ID of the question that is to be asked next


proceed (bool): A boolean that tells the user if the next question should be asked or not

POST Submit Questionnaire

This endpoint is used to submit the answers of the patient to the CRM system given they have answered all the questions. If the patient has not answered all the questions, the data is saved in a temporary storage (excel sheet in our case).

This endpoint is called by the pathway if a call ends prematurely for a plethora of reasons or if the questionnaire is completed.


variables (object): The webhook data returned from the pathway The object inludes the following fields:

  • pathway_id (str): The ID of the pathway that was used for the conversation
  • pathway_name (str): The name of the pathway that was used for the conversation
  • questionnaire (array of objects): The questionnaire that was used for the conversation
  • chcs_call_id (int): The ID of the call that was made to the patient
  • phone_number (str): The phone number of the patient formatted to E.164 standards


message (str): A message that tells the user that the answers have been submitted

Future Aspects

This section will include the future aspects of the project that could be implemented to make the project more robust and efficient. It also includes additional functionalities that will be added on top to make the project more functional.

  • automation to call new patients automatically at regular intervals NOTE: Right now, the calls are made manually by the surveyor.

  • Use a database to store calls information instead of excel sheets

  • An automation for recalling patients who:

    • Did not answer the call
    • Did not answer all the questions
    • Call dropped for problems on the patient's end
    • Call dropped for problems on the bot's end
  • Fine tune prompts for the questions to be more accurate and precise to what the surveyor wants to ask


This is a healthcare call bot that is used to automate the process of calling patients and asking them questions about their visit to the hospital.






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