Version 0.6.2
Added importing of cell ion parameters (eg. 'ena' or 'ek')
Added backupCfgFile (eg. ['', 'backupcfg/']) to simConfig to copy cfg file after run
Added gatherOnlySimData to simConfig to gather only simulation data and not cells or pops
Added simLabel and saveFolder to simConfig (can be used instead of filename)
Added printRunTime to simConfig to print run time (in sec) during execution
Added printPopAvgRates to simConfig to print population avg firing rates after run
Automatic saving of netpyne and netParams version to file
Moved creation of fih functions to set cell vinit from setupRecording() to preRun()
Can now load netParams and simConfig from file without setting in sim
Added sim.readCmdLineArgs to read simConfig and netParams filepaths from command line
Can now access NEURON's h module via sim.h
Fixed bug so can load netParams and simConfig without initializing sim
Fixed bug that prevented mechanism properties with value 0.0 from being set
Fixed bug in code to distribute cells (converted numCells from float to int)
Fixe bug in plotTraces
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